• Part 22 •

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Morning came and we where already back on the road heading for New York. Woodstock was tonight and I've never been more excited.

"So Faye... I have a question" John looked almost scared to ask.

"What Johnny boy?" I giggled. I was sat opposite John and flea with my legs across Anthony as Chad was sat on the counter.

"So. Like every show we do when I let Anthony have a little break and do a song break..." he was almost stuttering.

"Spit it out John"

"Well I want you to play with me. Just one song"


"And I know your going to say no but I really think you'll enjoy this. I want us to sing songbird by Fleetwood Mac because I know you love it and I do to and..."

"I'll do it" I just had to stop his rambling.

"What! Really! You actually will?" He jumped on his seat looking as excited as a dog with a ball.

"Yeah I think it'll be good" I laughed at his reaction.

"Omg you don't even know how excited I am"

We laughed with each other as I felt Anthony's hand grab mine, entwining our fingers together. I looked up and he was smiling at me. But not happy smiling. Lovingly smiling, he made me feel loved. But was it too early? I mean we've been here before and I couldn't help but feel worried that we would fuck it up again.

"Anyway, when do we get there" I decided to shake off the feeling.

"In about 3 hours, we go straight to the dressing rooms. Anthony squeezed my hand in excitement.

"And then afterwards we have this big party right?"

"Yeah wear something sexy" Chad winked at me trying to wind Anthony up.

"Oh fuck off"

As I threw my hand piece of toast at him he caught it and ate it. Earning a laugh from all of us.


3 hours later we arrived in New York and were being escorted to the Chilis dressing room.

While the guys got changed I went into the restroom to change my outfit. I opted for a red body suit with my high waisted leather look pants and some black heals. For my make up I kept it simple but added some spice with a hot red lipstick. My long brown hair was now down to my bum and I decided to just keep it down.

As I walked out of the restroom I was greeted with wolf whistles and all eyes on me. Trust me it felt good but also a bit intimidating.

"God am I a lucky man or what" Anthony scooped me up in his arms and kissed my cheek.

"Well I don't know Kiedis, we aren't official yet." I decided to tease him a little.

"Oh damn she got you good" Chad laughed giving me a high five.

"Okay ladies huddle time let's go, Faye come on get in here." Flea grabbed my hand and pulled me into the huddle. I felt honoured.

We all said a prayer and the usual crap they did before a show and we walked out to the side of the stage. I clung onto Anthony's arm as they waited to go on.

"How about we bring an old tradition back" Chad shouted as he wrapped his arms around me and Anthony.

"What Chadwick"

"A kiss from the lady for good luck" he pointed to his cheek as they all lined up.

We used to do this before every show back in 91'. Chad was first and then flea and John.

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