• Part 21 •

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We spent the rest of the night laughing and sharing stories with Anthony's hand firmly placed on my thigh all night. We had the best time. Half of us had planned to go on a hike today and the rest where just going to chill by the lake.  Myself , Chad, flea and dave alongside Taylor and Nate of the foo fighters decided we would go for a hike and everyone else would stay put.

"Just please come back in one piece" Anthony joked as he pulled my into a hug.

"I've got pretty good protection out there don't worry" I giggled, I loved seeing his protective side.

"Okay well have fun and I'll see you soon" he kissed my cheek, I knew he was being polite.

"I will don't you worry" I smirked as I kissed his lips. Slow but passionate, as if I'd been craving it for years. I could feel that he didn't want me to pull away but I had to as the guys where shouting for me.

"Come on Johnstone you can eat his face later" I heated Chad shout as the other guys shared a laugh.

"Oh stuff it smith" I laughed as I playfully punched his arm and ran in front of everyone leading the way.


A little after an hour later and we had reached the first peak of the mountain we were somewhat climbing.

"God the view is amazing" I said looking out to the Forrest.

"Yeah it really is" I didn't realise that Dave was right next to me.

I could see him looking at me from the corner of his eye and then quickly turning to the view as he knew I had caught him.
Up there we talked, laughed and drank the day away as we decided to start making our way down to our camp. As I started walking back next to Dave, I felt a hand on my arm and Chad was pulling me to the back of the pack.

"I don't like the way he keeps looking at you" he said with concern in his voice looking over at Grohl.

"Don't worry about it, he seems harmless. Anyways he'd be stupid to try anything with Anthony around." I placed a reassuring hand on his arm.

"I know just let me know if you need me to say something." He put his arm around my shoulder, most likely for support as we both had a few too many cans.

"I will, don't worry your little head" I laughed, ultimately making him giggle like a girl.

As we continued down the path, me and Chad cling onto each other ensuring neither of us fell over. We got near the lake and I could see the fire from the camp.

"Hey flea, grab mine and Faye's bags" Chad said taking mine off and handing it to a confused flea.

"All the way to the dock, first one in wins. Last one in is a pussy" he exclaimed as he pointed to the lake and started running.

"Oh shit" I screamed and laughed as I quickly caught up to him.

I could hear everyone laughing as we kept running towards the small dock right next to the camp. I had the advantage here as Chad was a frequent smoker. I mean don't get me wrong I had the occasional joint but not nearly as much as he had a cigarette. I ran past him again removing my T-shirt as I did. Thankfully I had put a bikini on underneath my clothes for this type of occasion. I felt like I had a bit more of an advantage so I unbuttoned my shorts and slowly wiggled them off while jogging. The guys that stayed behind where looking at us like we where crazy.

I reached the dock and turned around sticking my finger up at him in my red two-piece bikini, that perfectly hugged my figure by the way. I waited for him to reach the dock before I went to jump in. He had caught some speed and grabbed my waist pulling us both in together.  I could hear laughs coming from everyone as we emerged from the water.

"Well looks like we both won" he laughed as he threw me a towel.

"Yeah but your still a pussy" I teased as I wrapped myself up, feeling the chill of the night.

After I had warmed up, I joined everyone around the fire outside. Everyone except for John was here.
5 minutes later he emerged from the bus, my guitar in hand.

"Come on just one" he smirked at me as I sipped on my beer quite content next to Anthony.

As I looked between the men I already knew my answer.

"Okay but what are we playing" I put my beer down as he pulled the chair next to me and started strumming.

I knew what it was instantly. Hotel California by non other than the eagles. My favourite song in the world. As John gently strummed the guitar like the god he was I started singing. By the end of the song, everyone had joined in and Anthony's hand was entangled with mine and in that moment I had never been happier.

"Come with me" I whispered in his ear as I lead him behind the bus into the trees.

"Where are we going" he chuckled just following my lead.

"Somewhere more private"

I led him behind a huge rock where no one could see us or hopefully hear us. I know what I wanted and I wanted him. Now.
Before he could say anything my lips where on his. Our tongues danced with each other as the kiss became more heated and passionate.

"Are you sure baby" he whispered between kisses, playing with waistband.

"More sure than I've ever been about anything" I said as I stared in his eyes, my hands cupping his cheeks ensuring him that this is what I wanted. I mean ideally not in the woods but why not.

His hands worked there way to my ass as he lifted me up and pinned me against the rock. I could feel how hard he was in his pants and just wanted to rip them off and take him. But I had to be patient.
I pulled off his T-shirt and ran my hands over his sick pack. God he was more fit than I remembered. He ripped my pants off as if he was in a hurry and slowly started rubbing my clit.

"God I've missed you" he whispered between kisses.
"This is it now me and you okay?"

I was shocked by him saying this and I don't know why. I didn't take Anthony as the settle down 'forever' type of guy, as much as I wanted him to be.

"As long as you want me I'm yours" I whispered back growing inpatient.

He moved my panties to the side and slowly slid into me. Grabbing my hair at the back of my neck and leaving kisses down it. God this man turned me on.
As he fucked me passionately against this rock in the middle of butt fuck nowhere, I couldn't help but feel like it was all too good to true.

"Keep fucking me like that baby" I moaned between hot sweaty thrusts.

"Im gonna come" he moaned as his breathing became heavier and his grip on my ass became tighter before he came inside of me. I knew it was okay as I was on the pill.

We just stood there embracing each other while he was still inside of me for a good couple of minutes before we knew we needed to go back to the camp.

"Here" he smirked slapping my ass as he handed me my shorts.

"So what do we tell the guys we where doing?" I knew they would have questions.

"We'll just say we needed a few minutes to talk in private and well they don't need to know anymore" he giggled putting his arm around me as we walked back.

"And what time do you two call this" Chad joked as I stole his beer from his hand.

"Yeah where have you been for the last 15 minutes." Flea asked wiggling his eyebrows at us.

"We went for a walk, problem?"

"No not at all... but you do have a twig in your hair." As flea pulled the twig out of my hair the guys started laughing and Anthony just pulled his chair next to mine and put his arms around me.

I could feel eyes on me and they where coming from Dave. I didn't know why he kept staring on wanting to be alone with me but it was becoming a bit annoying now. What is this guys problem?

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