• Part 23 •

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I woke up with the worst headache I think I've ever had. I suddenly remembered the events of last night and just wanted to get out of there and the only person I could think of to ask for help without Anthony finding out was Fred.

"Hey Fred, can you do me a favour and book me the next available flight back home"

"Yeah of course babe. What's wrong?" I could sense the concern in his tone.

"Stupid rockstar. Why did I ever think he could love me again. Why did I think this was a good idea for fuck sake." Before I could calm myself, tears were already flowing.

"Oh honey, come home. I've got you. Your flight leaves in 2 hours from JFK."

"Thank you. I love you and I'll see you soon." God I was so lucky to have a best friend like him.

"I'll pick you up from LAX. I love you."

I hung up the phone and finished packing when there was a knock at the door. God please don't be Tony.

"Baby let me in." God he sounded so sad. But it's his own fault.

I swung open the door filled with anger.

"What do you want"

"Just talk to me. Let me explain"

"No. I don't want to talk to you! This is exactly what I was worried about Anthony. I didn't want to let myself fall for you again because I knew I'd get hurt." Without knowing I was in tears, trying to calm down.

"Oh Faye. I am so in love with you it's crazy. You drive me insane and I want you. Forever." His words made me crumble, but I couldn't give in.

"I'm not staying watching you do this the whole tour. I'm gonna go home my flight leaves in 2 hours."

"No please don't go, please."

"Bye Anthony." I slammed the door behind me leaving him in the corridor. My heart broke, I felt bad because I think his did too.


Sat on the plane. Tears streaming. Get me home.

As soon as we landed I grabbed my phone and called Fred. Unknown to me there was paparazzi waiting at the end of the escalators. After the Woodstock stint and the quite public kiss with Anthony, I hoped they weren't for me.

"Faye! Faye over here"

"Faye are you and Anthony a thing?"

Cameras flashing everywhere and I just wanted to die on the spot. My eyes clearing swollen from crying. A large coat covered me and I was quickly ushered outside.

"Leave the poor women alone" I knew it would be Fred.

We got in the car and that's when I broke. I just let it all out. My heart was practically non-existent. The whole ride back to our apartment I cried. I didn't say a word and Fred knew silence was what I needed. We pulled up outside our apartment and even though it was only 1pm, I just wanted to sleep.

"Hey, I'll get your bag you go to bed." He kissed my cheek and that was that. Get me to sleep.


When I awoke it was already dark. I didn't want to leave my bed but I knew I couldn't wallow in my pit forever.

"Hey I've got you some food and I'll run you a bath if you want." Fred was honestly the best.

"Has he called" I knew I shouldn't of asked but I needed to.

"Yeah. About 5 times. I told him you were asleep." Fred seemed angry at just the thought of him.

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