Ep 0.1 - Way of the Ninja

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A/N -> Before you read, read Ninja Go (Rewrite) first before resuming the read on this book. Trust me, it's better.


*1st P.O.V.*

"WHOO-HOO-OOO! YEAH!", I shout to the top of my lungs with my hands in the air, rolling through the hallways of the Monastery on a rolling chair. Meeting a wall, I slow down and place my feet against the wall and make a powerful push. Launching away from the wall, I put my knees on the seat and start to spin, doing a T-pose.  

About to pass the open entrance to the Monastery, I sing, "They see me rollin', they hatin'. Tryna catch me ridin' dirty-HOLY!" Right as I start to face away from the direction of the entrance, I see Sensei from the corner of my eye and I go flying.

My face comes into contact with the wooden planks while my legs went up in the air. I slide across the floor, a few inches away from Sensei. My lower half then comes back to earth. Groaning, I slowly pick up my upper half and turn  around to be met with Sensei's glare. He bangs his staff against the floor and shouts, "What did I tell you about rolling through the hallways!?"

I flinch and reply with a nervous grin, "Uh...don't do that?"

He sighs and moves to the side, revealing a boy around my age with tall spiky brown hair, "Get on your feet and meet Kai. The reason why you stayed behind is to help and train Kai."

I get on my feet and look over at Kai, "...hai sensei." 

He then turns around and takes a seat in front of the entrance. Stepping outside, I see the training ground. How did I not hear the training equipment being activated. Am I going deaf? 

"Soo...what does he have to do?" I ask Sensei.

Taking a sip of his tea, he replies, "Kai must complete the training course before I finish my tea. Then we will see if he is ready." After he says that, he drinks the entire cup, "Today he has failed. Tomorrow he will try again."

"Failed?! But I didn't even start to—" Kai starts off but before he could finish, Wu backflips into the monastery and closes the door, "Patience.", he says.

Irritated, Kai groans and turns to me, "Does he always do this?!" 

"Uhh...I guess you could say. Ah sorry, I don't really pay attention nor do I remember how he acts." I reply, rubbing my arm and chucking. Why did Sensei pick me, I suck at explaining stuff. Ugh, I'm gonna make a fool of myself.

I breathe in and out before turning to Kai, "So um...my name is (M/n) and I am a ninja training under Master Wu." I put my hand out and my stomach begins to turn. I hate this, damn you sensei.

Kai looks over and slowly grabs my hand and starts to shake it, "I'm Kai but you already know that. Uh I don't mean to be rude or anything but can we hurry up with the training cause I need to save my sister."

Letting go of his hand, I reply, "Oh yeah sure. We could start right now. I-uh just want you to try out the training course first so I could see what you need to work on. I'll try my best to make you pass with flying colors."

He gives a smile and a nod of appreciation. I smile back. My nerves calm down a bit, maybe this won't be  so bad.


Oh I was so wrong.

The next couple of days, I train with Kai but he fails to meet Wu's expectations, making Sensei to fail him over and over again. I keep telling him to be patient, pay attention, don't get cocky, etc. But the dude doesn't listen. 

"Failed. Failed. Failed! Arrgh, so failed! And... failed." Wu points out in every attempt.

After another failed attempt, Sensei Wu stands up and leaves. After he leaves, Kai hits his fist against the floor, "Ugh! What am I doing wrong?" 

At this point I'm tried of playing Mr. Nice Guy. I walk up in front of Kai and cross my arms, "Oi! Listen up and I'm gonna say this only once. Sure you have the skills but you aren't listening to what I'm telling you. I'm your master until you pass the training course. If you fail, I fail too, we fail together. And if you want to hurry up and rescue your sister, you need to have patience, pay attention, don't let your guard down, and don't get cocky. Focus on the task at hand if you want to pass and save your sister." 

I reach out my hand to Kai. He looks at my hand,  then at me and nods, a determine look on his face. Grabbing a hold of my hand, I pull him up, "Now that's settle, we are gonna fill in the gaps of your mistakes and you ARE gonna pass this training course one way or the other. Remember, if you are running out of time, try to improvise. Every second counts."

We both nod in determination.

(Mini Timeskip?)

The day has finally come for Kai to pass the training course. A determined Kai goes through the training equipment once again as Wu watches. Just as Wu is about to drink his tea, Kai knocks his cup away with his sword to stall him. When he pours some more tea into another cup and looks up, he notices that Kai is nowhere to be found.

"Was that one sugar...or two?" Kai offers Sensei a cup of sugar cubes, surprising him and even my self.

Being impressed with Kai's progress, Sensei enters the monastery.

"So, am I gonna learn this Spinjitzu I've been hearing about?" Kai questions. 

"You already have. Your final test comes tomorrow.", Sensei closes the door, "My advice is to get some sleep.", he opens the door again, "And good job (M/n).", he closes the door again. 

I stare at the doors to the monastery with my eyes wide open and my mouth a gape, "Haha! You did it. You actual did it! I-I thought we would have to work on it for a while or at least a month or two but NO, you pass with flying colors! And that was so smart of you to use your sword to buy you some time." I say, running a hand through my hair with a grin on my face. 

Kai turns to me, "I couldn't have done it without your help. And I'm sorry for not listening to your advise earlier when you are literally training under the guy and know what is to be expected."

I smile and bring out my first. Getting the memo, Kai and I fist bump.

*3rd P.O.V.*

Later that night, three unknown Ninja enter the monastery as Wu and (M/n) are asleep and Kai is preparing for bed.

Sensei Wu's voice echos through Kai's head, "My advice is to get some sleep."

Kai talks to himself and gesturing wildly in front of the mirror and swings his toothbrush, "Oh yeah?! Well take this!" He starts to jump around the room. The first Ninja lands silently near the front door, wielding a pair of nunchucks. "And this!", Kai swings his toothbrush around like a sword. The second Ninja lands in the corner of the room, possessing a pair of shurikens. "And this!", Kai continues. Kai then comes face to face with the third ninja, who is holding a scythe.

The three Ninja circle him and prepare to attack.

Kai then realizes that he's in a sticky situation, "Oops..."

To be continue...

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*Author's Note*

Hello hello, my name is Turtle and this is my first time writing a fanfic and I hope you enjoy reading this chapter. If you notice any mistakes, feel free to let me know and I apologize for them. There aren't a lot of Male reader books of Ninjago, so I decide to make one.

Also if the characters are OOC or too OOC, feel free to give me feedback. And hopeful I gave some kind of male reader and Kai action in this chapter. Anyway, thank you for reading and have a great day!

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