Ep 3 - Snakebit

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*3rd P.O.V.*

The morning sun raises and shines onto the Destiny's Bounty. The Ninja are shown sleeping on two set of bunk beds while (M/n) has a separate bed against the wall. But their beauty sleep is distributed when a ringing wakes them up. Sensei Wu bangs a cymbal, walking around the room. He continues to bang the cymbal, "Evil doesn’t sleep and neither should you!"

All the Ninja groan. (M/n) turns over to face the wall and curls closer, covering one ear with his pillow. He tries to fall back to sleep but Sensei Wu keeps on banging the gong. Leaveeeee pleaseeeee...I want to sleeppppp...

Sensei Wu continues to bang the gong, "In order to reach your full potential, we must greet each day as an opportunity." He sees (M/n) still in bed, sleeping, so he gets closer to him bangs the gong loudly.

(M/n) jolts awake, "Okay okay, you win you win just stop, please." He gets up, leans against the wall and closes his eyes. But the peace doesn't last long before yelping and going through the wall. Zane helps him come back into the room.

Kai gets up, "Okay okay, we're up. But if you want us to reach full potential, shouldn't we at least get a full night of rest?" He yawns and tries to open the wooden curtain blinds when they fall down.

Cole sighs and stretches his back, "You call that a rest? I think my back had more lumps than the mattress."

Jay walks over to the sink, "We were up so late, talking about how cool it is to have a new headquarters, I guess we lost track of time. Since the Serpentine burned down our monastery, I'm just glad we have a roof over our head..." He starts to brush his teeth and spits out some dirt that replaced his toothpaste.

Zane turns to Sensei Wu, "What is our lesson today, Sensei? Mastering the strike of the Scorpion? Or perhaps the grace of—" The ground beneath him breaks and he coughs. The Ninja help him up.

Sensei Wu observes the messy room, "I think today's lesson would be chores."

"Chores?!", the Ninja shout.

Cole steps forward, "Ninja fight, Sensei. They do not clean."

Sensei Wu turns to them, "In order to respect ourselves, we must respect our new home and where we are from. And this place is a long way from becoming a Ninja headquarters. I expect things to be spotless when I return. And put your backs into it." He bangs the cymbal again before leaving the room.

Kai grumbles, "This place is gonna take forever to clean and fix up."

Jay turns to Kai, "Unless we put more than our backs into it, huh?" He winks.


Cole looks across the room, "Ninja, go!" He cleans up the room with Spinjitzu. He takes out all the trash and put it outside of the Bounty with a sign that says "Garbage Sale".

Kai and Zane jump into a room, they look at each other before Zane throws the Shurikens of Ice toward the walls of the Destiny's Bounty to freeze it. Kai uses the Sword of Fire on the ice, "Ninja, go!" Both of them uses Spinjitzu to melt the rest.

(M/n) is shown in front of the windows, holding a spray and a rag, "Window cleaner on, window cleaner off. Window cleaner on, window cleaner off." He repeats this a couple times. He then uses Spinjitzu to air dry the windows. (if you get this reference, you are amazing). He travels to his shared room, looking at the hole in the wall and the broken floorboards. He sighs before fixing them.

Cole and Kai are fixing the machines inside the Destiny's Bounty. Jay uncovers a huge computer system and he uses the Nunchucks of Lightning to power it and restart the system. The Ninja are on the deck of the bounty, they try to fix the canvas.

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