Ep 6 - The Snake King

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Skales and Pythor are in the Sea of Sands, digging.

Skales slithers down to Pythor, "We're wasting our time, Pythor. There's nothing here but sand and dust."

Pythor grunts while shoveling, "Keep digging. The Lost City of Ouroboros is under us. I know it."

Skales picks up a shovel, "Oh, face it, your first attempt to unite the tribes failed, and now that you have lost your flock, you've become desperate."

Pythor glares at him, "I am desperate, my disloyal number two, but only to bring our kind together so that we can unleash the Great Devourer."

Skales scoffs, "You put too much faith in legends. Besides, all the Serpentine know is to be at war with one another."

Pythor finds a dial and laughs, "Skales, I believe we've found it." He turns the dial and the City emerges. "I present to you the city formerly known as the Lost City of Ouroboros."


The Destiny's Bounty passes a mountain as the Postman, on a bicycle with improvised wings emerges above from the clouds, holding a package, "Wait! Slow down! I have a package for Sensei Wu!"

The Ninja and Nya are in the dining room, listening to Lloyd explain how he would defeat the Serpentine, "First, I'll stomp on his tail. Then when he turns, I'll thunderclap to his ears. Then when he's stunned, I'll disarm him." Sensei Wu walks in the room with his package.

Cole sighs, "Too late, he's already hypnotized you and now you're under his control."

(M/n) nods and chuckles, "Or he's already put you in a squeeze."

"Or spit on you with his hallucinatory venom. Trust me, bad stuff.", Kai shudders at the memory.

"Pfft. Might have been bad for you but for me, it was a sight to behold." (M/n) snickers as he leans back. 

Kai in return gives (M/n) a glare but (M/n) brushes him off with a chuckle. 

Kai then remembers something. He turns to (M/n), "That reminds me, did you delete the footage when I was under that stuff? Like I kindly asked you to."

Jay butts in, "It was more like a threat if you think about. You literally cornered him and threaten him in a menacing voice." 

Cole grunts at him to stay out of it, which Jay got the message.

(M/n) tries to stop a grin from forming and looks away from Kai, "...Yes. Yes I did."

Kai narrows his eyes, "How am I so sure that you aren't lying to me."

(M/n) was still facing away from Kai, "Trust me I'm not." I'm totally lying. 

"I don't understand. You showed me the footage yester-" (M/n) quickly kicks Zane in the shin to hopefully shut him up to not lead him to his early death.

Before things could get heated, Cole steps in, "It's too early to fight in the morning. I'll talk with (M/n) in deleting the footage."

Kai grumbles, "I just don't need people seeing that and for it to ruin my cool and tuff reputation of the Fire Ninja."

While the Ninja were talking, Lloyd groans and faces Sensei Wu, "Uncle, what's the best way to stun a Serpentine if you don't know what kind they are?"

Sensei Wu places the package on the table while taking a seat and sighs, "Sadly, it was the Sacred Flute you five carelessly lost."

(M/n) nervously chuckles while scratching his cheek, "Heh heh, sorry."

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