Ep 0.2 - The Golden Weapons

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A/N -> Rewrite of this chapter is done, go check it out on Ninja Go (Rewrite). Trust me, it's better.


*3rd P.O.V.*

Previous on Kai getting ambushed by the three mysterious Ninja...

Kai sticks his electric toothbrush into the shuriken weilder's mouth. The shuriken weilder spits out the tooth brush, causing Kai to duck, causing it to hit the nunchuck weilder in the face. Bouncing off the nunchuck weilder's face, the toothbrush travels to the back of the scythe weilder and goes into his gi, causing him to vibrate. Using the distraction of the third ninja, Kai makes an escape through the rafters. While making an exit, the shuriken weilder pops up in front of him and attacks, sadly missing his target. 

The shuriken weilder drops into a different room, causing Kai to laugh before getting kick and sent flying out of the monastery to land on the floor of the training ground. As the Ninja start to come outside, Kai quickly turns on the training equipment to attack the other Ninja. Not expecting the training equipment, the Ninja get knock down. Loosing their weapons, it results in them to use their feet and fists. Punches and kicks are thrown at each other. As the fight continues to take part, Kai rumbles with one of the Ninja, resulting the other two to dogpile on them when Wu stops the fight, with (M/n) not far behind.

"Stop!", Wu yells.

"Woah.", (M/n) says surprised, rubbing his eye.

The Ninja get off of Kai and respectful bow to Sensei Wu, "Yes, Sensei."

"Wait a minute, they're your students too? You know them too, (M/n)?" Kai questions, Wu and (M/n) nod their heads."This was my final test, wasn't i-?"

One of the Ninja interrupts him, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You never said anything about a fifth. It's always four. The Four Seasons. Four cards of the same face. Four—"

The other Ninja steps in, "Uh, what he's trying to say, Sensei Wu, is that four of us have trained together. We're solid."

Kai speaks up with a smirk, "Didn't look so solid to me." 

The guy shoots Kai a glare, while (M/n) snorts and covers his mouth.

"Master, what is the meaning of this? And was he the reason of (M/n) staying behind?" The third Ninja questions.

"Well I had to train him, surprisingly.",  (M/n) tells. 

Sensei Wu answers the third Ninja question, "Each of you have been chosen. Each in tune with elemental properties. But first, Ninja, Go!"

Wu uses his Spinjitzu to change the outfits of the five Ninja and give them each a weapon.

"Whoa!", Kai exclaims.

"How'd he do that?!" The ninja at the end asks.

The blue ninja says elated, "Whoa! Look what color I am!" 

The ninja at the end takes a minute, "Wait a minute, I'm still black."

(M/n) snickers. He takes a moment to look and feel the cloth of his gray gi.

Sensei Wu starts donning each Ninja with their respective element.

Sensei Wu brings down his staff down on Kai's shoulder, "Kai, Master of Fire. It burns bright in you."

He then turns to the blue ninja, doing the same thing as he did to Kai, "Jay is blue, Master of Lightning."

"Heh, that's not all I'm the master of. I do a little inventing. A dabble in model building. A touch of cooking. A little poetry...", Jay brags.

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