Part 2 - Third times the charm... right?

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(Y/n) freezes before replying with a chuckle, "I already know that." Feeling the guy's hold on him loosen, he jerks himself out of their hold and begins to walk away from them.

A hand stops him, causing him to slap it away out of instinct. He glances back to see Kai's shocked face, along with the rest of his friends, taken aback at what (Y/n) just did. (Y/n) felt a surge of anxiety as he begins to panic about how Kai and the others would react to this information and how he acted. He feels traces of guilt from smacking Kai's hand and goes to apologize but when he went to open his mouth, he shuts it. 

He feels the embarrassment of his actions (mostly being blinded by rage in front of his team, doesn't regret beating the shit out of Jack) and before any of the guys could open their mouth, (Y/n) spins on his heel and walks the other way.

(Y/n) hurriedly speeds walk away as the others just stand there with multiple emotions going through their head. Sorrow and even pity of what (Y/n) had to go through. Shocked that their friend is so cheerful and his smile never faded away till this day, even though all that abuse. Their gaze follows (Y/n) as he walks around the corner of an alleyway before they snap out of their senses. They chase after their friend without a thought to spare, even though they wanted to yell at the villagers. 

They run through an alleyway and they see (Y/n) turn another corner, causing Kai to call out to him. They turn the corner to see no one, dead silent as only a paper flew by. They frantically look around, trying to see any clue or trail of where (Y/n) could have gone. 

"W-Where'd he go?"

"You don't suppose he went this way?" Zane peeks around a corner.

"I think he went this way." Jay points at a trail of footprints leading to another alley.

Cole sighs, "That could be anyone's footprints, Jay."

Zane looks over his shoulder, "I think those are wheel marks." 

Jay turns to them, "That could be our best bet."

Kai crosses his arms, "Then he hitched a ride, but where too?"

Cole pinches the bridge of his nose, "This is leading us nowhere." 

"Well ok then. What do you suggest we do." Jay sasses.

"We'll split up and see if we get a lead on (Y/n). We'll cover more ground that way and if you get any leads on (Y/n), inform the rest of us on our coms. If no leads, we return here."

Zane and Kai nod in agreement and they turn to Jay.

"...Okay then."

They take off in multiple directions, hoping that the direction they are taking leads to (Y/n) or any information of where he could've gone. Unbeknownst to them, (Y/n) was looking down on them from a rooftop, listening in on their conversation. I gotta say, they are really loud for ninja.

He sighs upon seeing them split up and searching for him. He gets up and turns around, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. He frowns upon seeing a hill entering his view as he ventures away from the village.


(Y/n) traveled to the nearby hill, slowly walking up to the top of the trail to see stone heads spread out throughout the area, practically covering the hill. He walks by them and stops at one specific one that reached the edge of the hill. 

"Michael Jansen. You will be miss." He read.

He stares at the tombstone a little longer before sitting in front of it as he brings his knees closer. He rests his head in his arms, still in contact with the tomb and tears start welding up in his eyes. He sucks in a breath, trying to hold back the tears. 

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