Ep 33 - The Void

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Jay looks out the small window in amazement, he's in space! "Is this the greatest thing ever or what?" Jay squealed as he floats around.

The rest, minus (Y/n), were having trouble navigating the room. (Y/n) had his arms behind his neck as just floats around effortlessly, "Yes. But weren't you against this a few-"


(Y/n) floated next to him and pushed him with his finger, making Jay lose his balance, "Hey!"

(Y/n) just stuck his tongue at him. Jay tried returning the gesture but (Y/n) was able to keep his balance. Lighting huffed, "You and your wind."

"Just use your powers for support."

Jay scoffed, "Easy for you to say, Master of Wind."

"Not my problem."

Kai was looking for the blue ninja, "Where are you? We're trapped in space and you...where did you go?"

Jay immediately got back to his fanboying, "Guys, we're in space. I thought this is stuff only Fritz Donnegan gets to enjoy." He moonwalks upside down.

"Fritz is from a comic book, dude. This is real!" Lloyd then bumps into the side while flailing his arms around helpless.

Jay started performing some of his favorite moves from the movies, "Well, you got me hooked on the character. Would you lighten up and not step on your dreams of being a real Starfarer just yet?"

"But Starfarers aren't-"

"Uh, uh, uh. Don't."

Lloyd sighed, "We have to find a way to take control of the ship. If they get the Golden Weapons back to the Overlord, Ninjago doesn't stand much of a chance." Kai accidentally bumps into him. "Whoa!" He goes flying across the room and bumps into (Y/n), the two smacked into the wall and Jay laughed at grey.

Kai rubs his head, trying to soothe the pain, "But there's no access to the rest of the ship. The only way out is through the same airlock we came in."

"And if my memory banks serve correct, space has a way of taking one's breath away, in the negative sense."

Eerie silence went through the room once Zane said that.

Jay awkwardly chuckled, "Don't be a downer, space is fun. The excitement, the adventure, the experience. Huh, huh?"

Cole shrugged, "You got me there."

Zane's attention gets drawn to the computer. He read off the screen and shapely inhaled, "Enjoy it while you can, Jay, because in five minutes, the entire ship is scheduled to lighten up. The supplemental boosters are set to detach."

Kai raised a brow, "Uh, I'm a ninja, not an astronaut. What does that mean?"

(Y/n) gasped, "Oh, we are gonna be detached from the main ship. We're gonna be left behind!"

Zane begrudgingly nod. Before anyone could do something or panic, Nya shows up on screen with Garmadon, Wu, and Pixal beside her, "Hello? Kai? Anyone? Can you read me?"

"We read you loud and clear." Kai responded.

"They're alive! They're alive."

"Whoa! Yes!"

Garmadon and Nya cheered simultaneously.

Wu smiled, "Good to hear you boys. We're going to get you home safe. P.I.X.A.L. was able to find the blueprints for the rocket. You need to escape the cargo hold before it's too late. Near the front of the ship is an A2 storage compartment. Inside are emergency spacesuits."

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