Ep 44 - The Corridor of Elders

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It was quiet.

It was serene, and a sense of calmness washed over you.

Oh, for all the years you'd experienced pain and suffering, you'd wished to experience these lasting moments. Floating in this seemingly endless void, you felt weightless and free, as if all your worries had dissipated into the nothingness around you. It was a moment of pure bliss. You welcomed this new sensation, allowing it to consume you entirely. For once, you felt at peace with yourself and the world around you.

Yet, something about this felt, wrong.

You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but the peace you felt was almost too good to be true. As if, at any moment now, something was going to shatter it all and bring you back to reality. You tried to push the thought away and enjoy the moment, but the feeling of unease lingered in the back of your mind. You couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off, and you needed to figure out what it was. Was it the silence? The absence of people? Or was it just your own paranoia? You decided to trust your instincts, trying to piece together anything that could help you understand the situation better. Something suddenly struck you.

Was I, doing something?

You looked around and realized that you were floating in emptiness. You shook your head, realizing that it was just your own imagination playing tricks on you. But was it your imagination? You tried to remember what you were doing before and how you ended up in this situation, but your mind was blank. You started to feel a sense of panic rising within you as you tried to make sense of it all. You wanted to get up, but a sudden pressure was now crushing you. You could feel your consciousness slipping away, but there was a part of you that refused to give up.

You found yourself trapped in a seemingly endless unconscious state. You were conscious enough to realize you were there, but unable to move or communicate. You felt trapped within your own body, and the frustration slowly turned into a determination to break free.

You started to focus on controlling your breathing, finding that you could manipulate the rhythm of your breath to a small degree, even in your unconscious state. Gradually, you started feeling small sensations in your fingers and toes, and you were elated to realize that your mind and body were slowly reconnecting.

With immense concentration, you fought to move your arms, legs, and torso, fighting against the heaviness that was still weighing you down. In the depths of your mind, you could hear muffled sounds call out to you as you pushed through the barriers.

It seemed like an eternity, but finally, you broke free from your unconscious state. Your eyes burst open, light streaming in and blinding you momentarily. You blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to your surroundings and figure out where the sounds were coming from. You gasped for air, feeling the coolness of the air on your skin. You realized that you were lying on the ground, surrounded by people who were staring at you with concern. You noticed that this was the family you were shielding from Chen.

Your body bolted upright, trying to piece together what had happened before you blacked out. As your eyes scanned the faces around you, you felt relieved to see everyone safe and sound. Despite the throbbing pain in your head and the disorientation you felt, you managed to keep your composure and assess your situation.

"How long have I been out?" you croaked out.

"At least a day."

Your stomach drops. You look up at the sky to see that it was evening golden hour. You sucked in a sharp breath as your eyes went wide. "A day? I have to go!"

You scrambled to your feet, your head still throbbing, and your limbs feeling weak and unsteady. You stumbled forward, your legs barely able to hold your weight. Panic gripped you as you realized the gravity of the situation. You had been out for a whole day, and you had no idea what damage Chen had caused while you were out. You didn't even know how the others were holding up!

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