Ep 11 - All of Nothing

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A late night in Ninjago City, in an empty and quiet part of the city, Spitta is running down the sidewalk as a group of shadows chase him from the rooftops before splitting up.

Spitta looks over his shoulder, panting heavily before facing forward. Suddenly, a strong and colder wind is blown towards him. He tries to break through the wind, pushing against it. He pushes with all his might but upon seeing (e/c) eyes and the familiar gray gi through the wild current, he shrieks in terror realizing who it was. He loses his balance and flies backward, crashing into a car before scrambling onto his feet and fleeing around the corner. Uh, didn't mean for it to be that hard. Surprise the alarm didn't go off-

Just seconds later, the car alarm goes off. (Y/n) sighs, I spoke too soon.

He grumbles profanities. Just wanting to go to bed already since the last few nights were stake-outs of the City to try and find any sightings or signs of Pythor or the Serpentine. And the car alarm wasn't helping. Out of frustration, he kicks a lamp post. Ignoring the throbbing in his toes, he sees blue lightning striking down in the distance, followed by a sharp crackle.

Guess that's where the guys are at, or at least where Jay's at.

He whines a bit before sprinting in the direction of the lighting. Luckily for him, it wasn't that far.

Turning the corner, he sees Zane running into an alleyway and so he follows behind. Entering his view was Spitta on the ground, surrounded and held at weapon-point by the Ninja. Noticing his presents, Kai makes room for (Y/n) as Jay spoke, "Thought you could joyride through town and not be noticed, eh? Where's the last Fangblade?"

Spitta tries to play it off, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Kai narrows his eyes, "You know what it is. The fourth Fangblade. When Pythor finds them all, he plans to unleash the Great Devourer."

Spitta smirks, "Oh, that Fangblade. Haha, you're too late. Pythor's already there now. He's probably already digging it up. If I were you, I'd start preparing for the worst, because when the Great Devourer is awakened, there will be nothing it won't consume!"

Upon hearing that last part, (Y/n) just looks done with everything, "How..." He says the rest under his breath while massaging his temple. "dumb can you guys be?" It looks like it wasn't quiet enough due to the serpent having an offensive look on his face.

Kai elbows him and Zane takes the lead, "Won't that mean it'll consume you too?"

The snake started to get nervous, "What? No. Pythor has a plan to make sure it doesn't eat any of us snakes."

(Y/n) was baffled, "I'm sorry but bad news for you- and the rest of Ninjago- but the Great Devourer will consume anything in its path, correct? And how, HOW can Pythor control something that BIG when that thing can eat him in one bite."

The snake takes a moment to absorb this knowledge before freaking out, "Ah! Please, you have to stop him. That snake is crazy. I don't wanna unleash the Great Devourer. I'm a snake, not food!"

Kai lowers his sword a bit, "Is it really too late to stop Pythor from getting the last Fangblade?"

Spitta shakes his head, "You're days behind him. There's gotta be something else you can do!"

The Ninja look at each other, fear setting in as a possible loss may come upon them.


On the Bounty, the ninja have reported everything they learned to the rest of the team and are locating the location of the last Fangblade.

"The Venomari's right. By the time we cast sail clear across the other side of Ninjago, Pythor will have already beat us to the last Fangblade." Nya states, looking at the monitor.

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