Ep 46 - Ghost Story

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Your body trembles with discomfort as you struggle to lift yourself off the ground. The strain of the possession weighs heavily on your fatigued limbs. Your arms quiver, their strength diminished, as you desperately clench the blades of grass beneath your fingertips, seeking some stability.

Each labored breath you take feels like an immense effort, your chest heaving with the weight of exhaustion. Beads of sweat cascade down your forehead, tracing a path along your temples and gathering at your chin before falling to the ground below. You inhale deeply and exhale shakily, gathering every ounce of energy in an attempt to push yourself up. Every muscle in your body protests but you refuse to succumb to the overwhelming strain.

A flicker of determination ignites within you as you grit your teeth and push through the pain. Slowly but surely, you feel your body respond, inching upward against gravity's relentless pull.

You finally manage to lift yourself off the ground, a surge of accomplishment washing over you. As you stand on unsteady legs, you take a moment to collect yourself. The echoes of your muscles' protestations gradually subside.

You take a hesitant step forward, your movements laced with a noticeable limp. With a trembling arm, you extend it outward, summoning any strength to call upon your dragon. The combined physical and mental exhaustion leaves you feeling dizzy and disoriented as if the world around you is spinning in a chaotic whirlwind. A persistent, pounding headache throbs at your temples, pulsating with each heartbeat. The discomfort only adds to your distress, yet you push through, your primary concern remains the safety and well-being of your friends.

The thought of them falling victim to this vengeful spirit weighs heavily on your mind, casting a shadow of fear that gnaws at your soul. Their lives are on the line and the paranoia sinking in from the possibility of them being killed sends shivers down your spine, raising immense panic.

The sky darkens, swallowing the fading light and casting an eerie gloom upon the landscape, and your anxiety peaks. The wind, once a gentle breeze, grows aggressive, howling in a haunting chorus as the sound of thunder echoes in your ears. You feel as though time slips through your fingers like sand in an hourglass, heightening the urgency to catch up with your comrades.

With every ounce of willpower, you attempt to steady your breathing, a reminder to yourself not to succumb to the paralyzing grip of fear. Despite the mounting dread and the sense of time slipping away, you take a deep breath and focus on the task at hand. You know that panicking will only make things worse, so you try to steel your thoughts in another direction.

Amidst the swirling chaos and uncertainty, a flicker of clarity illuminates your mind. You find yourself reflecting on the harrowing experience of being possessed, piecing together fragments of consciousness that managed to break through the veil of Morro's control. Unfamiliar memories flash before you like fragmented shards: torment inflicted by a set of chains as ghostly figures of tentacles crept in the depths of a dark cage; a kite being flown without a tassel but hands conducting the wind as a substitute; training with faceless children in the martial arts, conducted by a young master...Wu!? You, undoubtedly, were able to recognize him from past photos—; countless run-ins with Grendels; the golden weapons surrounding "you" . . . . .

You realized these memories didn't belong to you but to Morro.

The revelation that he was not only a foe, but the previous Master of Wind and a former student of Wu's. This newfound knowledge shatters the perception you had of the history of your ninja lineage. And Wu.

How could such a significant figure remain unnamed throughout your entire journey of being a ninja? Confusion took hold of your mind, seeking answers to the relationship between you and Morro. That single thought lingers, tugging at the edges of your consciousness, urging you for an answer.

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