Ep 17 - Ninjaball Run

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Lloyd was upside down and using one hand to support himself.

"Focus." Wu calmly told his nephew as he proceeds to pour some tea. "In order to bear the fate of Ninjago on your shoulders, you must first learn to bear the weight of all of us."

Lloyd was using his feet to balance the ninja and Wu. Zane is on top of Lloyd's feet while holding Kai and Jay in his arms, Cole is standing on his head, and (Y/n) was holding Cole's hands as he did a handstand with Wu on his feet. The ninja are all nervous.

Wu sips his tea, "Focus."

Jay gulps, "Sensei, I'm starting to think this was a bad idea."

Cole nodded, "Yeah, Sensei, he's just a kid."

"In order for him to succeed, we must all trust one another."

(Y/n) grunts as he felt his balance falter, "Just so you guys know, if I fall, I'm dragging you all with me. Trust me."

Behind them, outside, some machinery is heard as Lloyd starts straining from holding all the weight on his feet. A wrecking ball suddenly comes crashing through the window, making everyone fall and land on the ground.

Cole groans, "What was that?"

They get up and see a builder and foreman, wearing hardhats, who unexpectedly notice the ninja.

Dareth emerges from behind the beaded doorway, "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! This wasn't supposed to happen until tomorrow!"

The foreman scratches his head, "Tomorrow?" He then turns to the builder. "Let me see that order." The builder hands him the order slip and he looks at it. "Oh, yeah. My bad. Sorry about that. We'll be back in the morning." The foreman apologizes and they both took their leave.

Dareth groans as he picks up one of his 'trophies' that was bent. He frowns as he wipes the dust.

There was silence until Cole speaks up, "Uh, Dareth, what is this all about?"

Dareth sighs and turns around to face the ninja with a frown, "Well, I fell behind on some of my payments and some developer named Darnagom Enterprises is buying the entire block to put in some stupid frisbee-golf course. They say if I don't come up with 50,000 by tomorrow, the dojo is gone."

"But, we already lost the Bounty. We can't lose the dojo now." Jay declared.

"My trophies. Oh, my fakes trophies!" Dareth cries as he holds his fake trophies close.

Zane notices a billboard sign that reads 'Darnagom Enterprises' outside and inspects it, "Wait a minute." Everyone follows his line of view to see the sign. "'Darnagom?' When you rearrange the letters, it spells—"

"'O grandma'?" Jay raised a brow at the sign.

(Y/n) wheezes and Kai just shook his head at Jay, "No! Garmadon!"

Jay smiled sheepishly, "Right." He then laughs awkwardly. "That would make more sense."

Lloyd frowned before looking up at the ninja, "My dad is behind this?"

Cole turns to the others, "If he destroys the dojo, where will we train Lloyd?"

Dareth gestured to Wu's teapot, "Any chance you got 50,000 in that teapot of yours." 

Wu shook his head before giving him an encouraging smile, "Worry not, Dareth. You're not in this alone. We're all with you."

Nya then walks in the room, "Did someone say 50,000—"

Jay gasps, "You didn't happen to win the lottery?"

Nya shook her head, "No, but I heard about Ninjaball Run!"

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