Ep 13 - Day of the Great Devourer

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"You must do everything in your power to stop the Great Devourer. Go, ninja. Go!"

Those were the last words Sensei said to the team before they watch in horror as the Great Devourer swallowed him whole, along with Pythor.



Kai and Jay managed to croak out as the rest stared, horrified at what just happened. (Y/n)'s horror soon turns into rage as he clenches his fist, glaring at the creature. I swear, if it's the last thing I'll do, I'll gut you like a fish.

The Devourer then spots them, causing them to tense.

Jay gulps as he shakily looks at the giant snake, "Oh, maybe if we stand perfectly still..."

Yeah, that didn't work out.

The Great Devourer charges at them and they make a break for it, "Run!"

The ninja sprint through the City of Ouroboros as they rush towards the bounty. Jay trips on a rock before looking back to see the Great Devourer right on their tail. He gasps before scrambling to his feet and speedily trails behind the guys as he shrieks, "Wait! Wait for me!"

Nya and Lloyd were already on the ship thanks to Nya's Samurai Mech. They get to work on preparing the ship to take flight.

Nya quickly takes the wheel, "Fire up the engines." She notices nothing happening and turns back to shout, "I said fire up the engines!"

Lloyd reads the readings on the screen dropping, causing him to shake his head frantically, "There's no wind. And we only have reserved fuel."

Nya grips the wheel as she faces forward, "Use it."

The Ninja tumbled in, with Jay coming in last, as they finally made it to the Destiny's Bounty. Now that everyone's on board, (Y/n) shuts the door behind them before running to his assigned station in the bridge.

The screen catches Jay's eye, causing them to widen in fear to see the serpent gaining on them, "Uh, hate to tell you this, but objects in the mirror are closer than they appear." He shouts to Nya.

"Working on it. Blasters on full."

The bounty launches into the sky before the Great Devourer could take a bite out of it.

"Whoo-hoo! Take that, you stupid snake." Kai cheers.

His cheering doesn't last long when the snake suddenly appears in front of them, rising from the ground.

Jay whimpers, "Uh, I think it heard you."

Nya grunts as she swerved the ship, avoiding its oncoming attack. The Devourer chases after them.

(Y/n)'s eyes widen as he looks out the window with Kai, "How is it so fast!?"

"Nya, we gotta go faster. That thing is gaining on us." Kai shouts to Nya.

"Or higher. Can't we go higher?" (Y/n) adds.

Nya glances back at the two, "We're going as fast as we can and we only have enough reserved fuel to fly at this height-"

"Wait, you're using the reserved fuel? So there isn't any wind? Why didn't you tell me!?" (Y/n) rushes through the door.

"It's dangerous out there-" Cole calls out to (Y/n) but he was out of earshot.

(Y/n) sprints onto the deck, swerving with the ship but manages to keep his balance. He stood at the top of the deck and begins to focus on summoning his true potential. His body turns into a glowing grey as he feels power surging through his veins. He then blasts wind at the sails, causing a boost in speed for the ship as it flies through the air.

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