Ep 37 - Versus

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Early morning, the Elemental Masters are in the cafeteria. They are lined up, waiting to be served food. Garmadon was next in line, only to be denied by the cultist serving them.

"Next!" The server eyes him. "Nu-uh. Nothing for you."

Garmadon grumbled under his breath and turned to his son, "There's a valuable lesson here, son. If you turn your back on your first evil Sensei to go straight..."


"...you may not be served creamy biscuits." He walked away with his tray.

(Y/n) lightly snickers and calls out to the old man, "Hey Garmadon, you can have mine."

Lloyd frowns. "Well, I know what we're being served. A whole bunch of baloney." He turns to his team. "This isn't a fighting tournament. It's an alibi for Chen to steal everyone's powers. But we still don't know why."

Kai gives him an 'are you serious' look. "Isn't it obvious? Chen wants to destroy New Ninjago City. I don't know what it is, but that place has had a string of bad luck."

Cole reaches for a cup of tea, "I'm not so sure. From what Sensei G's told us about him, I have a feeling it's something far more sinister." Now it was just him and Jay in line while the others regrouped with Garmadon.

"Here Sensei G." (Y/n) places his plate of creamy biscuits on the old man's tray.

"Why thank you, (Y/n)."

He gave him a toothy grin, "No problem sir."

Kai mutters something under his breath. Hearing his name, (Y/n) whips his head at the Red Ninja with a forced smile, "Hmm? What was that Kai? Could you repeat that?"

Kai was visibly irked as he returned the forced smile, "Oh, nothing (Y/n). Nothing of your concern. It's not like you can even do anything."

"Oh, I so can."

The two intensely glare at each other. Lloyd gets in between them.

"Enough you two."

Their attention is pulled away when they hear bickering from Jay and Cole. The two walk towards them and see Jay's tray has a load of creamy biscuits.

(Y/n) takes his share of biscuits back from Sensei G. "Nevermind, Jay has extra, extra."

Cole scoffs as he walks away from the mechanic, "Taking a day off? And here I thought ninja never quit."

"And here I thought a ninja wouldn't steal your girlfriend," Jay snaps at him.

Garmadon shook his head in disappointment at their antics, "Whatever you have to say to each other, say it now, because harboring grudges hurts no one but yourselves."

Lloyd nods, "He's right. You should be preparing to fight your next opponent, not each other."

Cole directs his gaze and closes his eyes. "What grudge? I already dropped it."

"I dropped it first," Jay insisted.

The Earth Ninja shoves his tray into Jay's, "Did not."

"Did too!" Jay retaliates. While they argue, Jay drops his biscuits and drink.

(Y/n) grimaced at the scene, "Yeesh. I know me and Kai have issues, but at least we don't explode on each other."

Jay whipped his head at him, "You guys bubble in the aggression. We let it out."

Garmadon sighed, "The tournament will test them, Lloyd. Either find a way for them to make peace, or neither of them will move on."

Chen is heard over the pa, "The tournament of Elements continues. Fun time! Would the following Masters please make their way to their assigned arena? Speed, Gravity, Nature, Mind, oh, and let's not forget..."

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