Part 9

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Three boys were sitting in a room, discussing their upcoming return.

Boy 1: "Finally, we're going back."

Boy 2: "Hmm."

Boy 1: "What's on your mind? You seem lost."

Boy 2: "Nothing, yaar. I'm just thinking about seeing everyone after 5 months. I miss them."

Boy 1: "Me too, yaar."

Boy 2: "And it's because of me that you had to stay here."

Boy 1: "Oh, come on. Explain that."

Boy 2: "I was admitted to the hospital for 3 months due to major head injuries, but you recovered fully in just 1 month."

Boy 1: "Shut up. Because of you, I'm alive. If you hadn't pushed me out of the car on time, I wouldn't have survived. You had the option to jump first, but you pushed me and then got hit by a rock when you jumped. If you hadn't tried to save me from that accident, you wouldn't have spent 3 months in the hospital."

Boy 2: "Shut up, Cabir. That's in the past. Let's not dwell on it. Dad found out about the blast beforehand and saved us, taking us to Denmark for treatment. Now everything's fine, and we're going back to Mumbai."

Cabir: "We're going to see Fab5 after 5 months."

Manik: "And my star. But how did Dad agree to let us go back? He hid both of us from everyone for security reasons, and even after we got discharged, he didn't allow us to go back because he was trying to locate the person who tried to harm us."

Cabir: "Because the moment you regained consciousness, you were adamant about going back to your star."

Manik (rolls eyes): "Shut up, man."

Boy 3 listened silently to their conversation.

Cabir: "Yeah, yeah. But Dad has already increased security."

Manik: "Hmm."

Boy 3: "But Manik, umm... Are you serious about joining the business along with music?"

Manik: "Yes, Dad has worked hard to establish Malhotra Industries, and he has many expectations of me. I can't disappoint him."

Cabir: "I know, but managing music and business together will be hard."

Manik: "I know, but you both are with me. We'll manage, Cabir."

Cabir and Boy 3: "Of course, we are."

Manik: "Why are you nervous, buddy?"

Cabir: "Yeah, and you haven't even had snacks."

Manik and Boy 3: "Foodie."

Cabir shrugged.

Boy 3: "Nothing, yaar. I'm just nervous. No one knows I'm alive and with you."

Manik: "Everything will be fine. Don't worry."

Boy 3: "Hmm."

They heard the announcement of landing.

Cabir: "We're back."

Manik: "Can't wait."

Cabir: "Me too."

They all got into the car.

Cabir: "Driver, take us to the mall."

Manik: "What, Cabir? I can't wait any longer, yaar."

Boy 3: "To meet your star. We know, Manik."

Cabir: "We're going to meet them after 5 months, yaar. Just to buy some gifts."

Boy 3: "Yeah, we didn't have time to shop in Denmark."

Manik (grumpily): "Okay."

Cabir and Boy 3 exchanged disbelieving looks.

They reached the mall and started shopping.

To be continued...

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