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Life is never easy for someone it makes you go through many troughs and crests. we enjoy some phase smile and laughs the most, in some phase, we go through many suffering and some phases made us cry also but it only means that these phases are not permanent they came and go and with each phase, we became stronger emotionally somewhere physically too but it doesn't mean we took all blame of someone suffering until it was done intentionally because we are no one to decide someone grief.

Manik and Nandini were sitting in silence in each other embrace sinking all the happening which they were or were not a part of. they were sitting in silence but still many emotions are being shared, that is something which we call Manan essence because they don't need to express what they are feeling, they read each other like an open book, that's why we loved them right?


When the firefly started glowing during their first unofficial meeting with her in which he even didn't saw her face he never for once thought that one day this mere stranger girl will bring the light in his life which is covered with only darkness and make it glow just like the way the fireflies were glowing at that time.

There first officially meet each other and declared as enemies where a single smile on her face used to irritate him to the core now he can do anything to bring that smile on her face because that smile was his peace. When he throws an egg on her in front of all the student just because he doesn't want his ego to down the thought never came in his mind that one day he himself will sit on knees in front of her with the egg in his egg without caring his THE MANIK MALHOTRA tag and his so-called ego.

When he first time made her cry by breaking one of her precious possession her Appa's pen when her tears unknowingly somewhere deep down pricked his heart too he doesn't know that someday he will take a vow to never make her cry.

He never thought the girl who dared to punch him in front of the all-college student for his mistake will hereafter always be there to show him his mistake and also will help him to correct them.

When he collided with her on a college campus and saw her falling down but still choose to ignore it and just made a witty comment on her and left from there to the time when he himself ensured her that he will never let her fall. from lost in her beauty on Diwali night, there first kiss under the sky and firefly surrounding them to their jamming session. her let be friends first to calling her his girlfriend in front of everyone. they have seen many ups and downs in their relationship but still, they are together they go through all this together suffer together enjoyed together at last what matters is they are still two-gather and they will like this until destiny wants it or the time they can hold each other and For Manan, it's Forever they never think less than that and more don't exist.

For Nandini, it was all same never also never imagined that the person whom she developed hatred in the first meet now for him she has only one feeling that s love, the boy who she dared to call monster will become her and only her monster she is the only person who has copyright to call him that.

The journey from his spot to his star and the journey from monster to her monster was blissful and it's not ending because forever has nothing called end, it's just starting of new phases where there will be more happiness than complications.

As said earlier it's just starting of their new phase where they already take a vow to be each other's support and strength, where they will cherish their moment where they will behave mature but will still fight for the dumbest topic ever possible.

and that's MANAN for us.


Hey everyone

I hope you all are doing well 

last week went good for me as I was able to give you updates on times and I was very happy and overwhelmed with your reaction, your love towards a story.

I hope you liked this part I know this is a short update but earlier I decided to give double and long updates and I also completed writing them which included Neyonika and manik's  conversation it took me time to write it because they both are complex characters so is there relationship with each other I was so happy after completing writing two long parts but yesterday evening when I decided it to publish my Wattpad account started showing some problems and I tried logging in again ut it was showing error I can't express how scared I was because I don't want to lose my account and the stories which I returned so far after so many tries it finally worked but to my dismay all the unpublished parts were gone including 2 parts of this story and one part of my another story kyy secret love 

I really don't know how to express what I feel at that moment I tried writing it again but writing the same part and those 4000 words again I was not able to do that at that moment that to losing it like this. Today also I tried again but my mind messed up again thinking about yesterday's incident plus so I ended up writing this, so I hope you are not disappointed with it though I highly am not able to complete my target of giving double updates to you all.I am sorry 

I was just remembering all the manan moments and ended up writing this I just hope I write those parts again as soon as possible and update them.

Stay safe everyone. the situation is getting worse day by day just keep yourself and your family healthy and happy that's all matters.

Thank you



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