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Azaad's Pov.

I've no patience left, She turned down the dress i chose for her. She cried because of me yet i caught her staring at me, weird.

But now apart from her Azrah and Sayaad's closeness has been bugging me.

"Is there anything between you and Sayaad", I ask knowing i hate him but not being obvious.

"No! why?", She asked trying to play games with me.

"Do you like him?", I ask her as she widened her already dark big blue eyes abit darker than mine.

"Comeon Azaad seriously", She then left displaying a serious smile.

We left from shopping, "Stay away from my sister", I said softly walking beside Sayaad.

"Or what!", He said smirking down at me.

I curled my fingers but had to control my anger because girls are walking ahead of us.

"You think i am gonna do what you did, mh! interesting", He said joining Zamzam and others.

We reached home as elders No! men of the house were busy in the kitchen and women in the living room chitchatting.

"Boys come join us", Her dad call us out as Azrah gave me a Have fun look. While leaving.

"Azaad, I know it might look odd but every weekend we help our wives and daughters sometimes with the chores", Her dad explained

"Can you cook?", Imraan's father asked making Sayaad to snort.

"Dad, i wondered even if he can blend let alone cook an egg", Saayad mocked.

"Did anyone ask you?, you chop fruits that's the only thing you can do", His dad shoves him off as Imraan and Amir chuckled.

"Sure if you let me", I tell them, Her dad gave me a smirk leaving for me an empty stove.

I used to cook for Mom and Azrah when they were admitted, I still remember after He decided to make me The owner of his company. I had a chance to cage him up but he had escaped.

After receiving a call from Detective Albert that he escaped, i rushed home and saw Azrah and Mom bleeding I almost killed him but Thanks to Albert had him thrown to Nowhere!.

"What are you cooking?", Amir curiously came sniffing while drooling.

"Lemon paprika Chicken, I learnt this from Mom", I said smiling at him at how i used to forced Mom to teach me how to cook and she did teach me stealthily.

Everyone gathered for dinner at the table Women, Ladies and kids took their respective seats as for older Men Imraan requested them to have their seats as we will serve, exception of Amir, he had a call from his parents.

She sat alone talking to Azrah and Humaiza, as soon as i served i went beside her ignoring her slouching.

"Hy kid wanna exchange seats?", Sayaad asked with a wicked smirk.

"No one will move from their seats", Her grandy commanded.

"I need to wash my hands", She excused herself and left.

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