Wedding bells🌺

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Days have gone quicker, wedding bells are finally heard, three days to wedding and there was commotion last week about Humaiza's wedding dress and Ceremonies.

Zamzam's Grandpa as usual denied to attend Humaiza's wedding but her Grandma is here like always supporting her baby Son.
She always loves Her son, his wife and kids more. For Their Grandma, Zamzam's Mother she is more cool unlike other wives of her other sons.

Besides, She found a best friend like to Zamzam's Noni, more like old besties.

Zamzam's Pov

These few days has been hectic for us, Thanks to Humaiza.

She had to make Noni and Grandma emotional when Mom took her dress out and the away she cried.

And for us it's the dress fittings, we almost tried on our dress of a million of times, still Grandma being here it means no room for any mistake.

"Girls come on", Grandma took each dresses for us, while Azrah is busy playing with Sana.

"Grandma, meet Azrah", I introduce her to Azrah.

It's obvious that i am Grandma fave, specially after what Grandpa did, she always came to meet me, i mean always. I just love her.

"Who is she?", Grandma cups her cheeks.

"My Sister-in_law and she is my Mother-in-law", I said pointing at Mom who is busy with Maa busy and blushing Azrah.

Grandma looks at me with different questions flooding in her gorgeous face.

"Is your husb__", I nod cutting her off.

She let few tears roll down before hugging me tight.

"She is so pretty", Grandma hugs her.

"How?", She looks at me as as i whisper to her "I'll tell you later. as she nods excitedly.

Azaad let Mom stay for the wedding though he was angry when he found out that she bribed some nurse to help her escape.

"Grandma, This is heavy", I say already irritated carrying this heavy dress.

"You, what about me?!", Humaiza screams as we laugh.

"Azrah take this and try it out", Mom hands Azrah a dress as her eyes widened.

"It's so beautiful Masha Allah!!", She squeals as we chuckle.

After fittings as it did wear us off, I managed to walk to the window and find Azaad standing out busy tapping on his phone.

Amir asked the boys to be on his side since he is the only guy, basically Sayaad and Azaad went with him since Imraan wanted to stay with Gulzar.

Azaad's face clearly displaying anger and irritation, Why? cause i am ignoring his calls, texts, actually my phone's on airplane mode, though i miss him so bad.

His expression looks like he wanna barge inside and come find me, I do wanna call him, talk to him, But i think this is the time we can give eachother some space.

"What's wrong?", Azrah sits beside me as i sigh.

"I um__i kept flight mode and i am sure Azaad's trying to contact me", I say sighing.

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