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Zamzam's Pov.

"Shall we?", Azaad asks as i nod smiling nervously.

Entering inside my gaze lands first on all girls standing as their eyes widens.

Humaiza and Saafirah are furious surprisingly Sayaad and Imraan are here as well.

Sayaad beside Azrah and Imraan with Saafirah, Amir with Humaiza.

My eyes travelled to Mom Dad Nonni and Poppi seater and Grandpa.

His face got a smirk and my three uncles.

Ya Allah.

"Asalaam aleikum", Azaad greets without hesitance as i hid behind him.

Dad, Poppi they all got disappointment in their eyes, out of shame i cast down.

"Look! just look at her!", Grandpa yells with a smirk.

"You Harris, you moved from home away from your family cause of what! and look at them!", He snorts after scolding Dad.

I wipe my tears as Azaad turns to look at me with his eyes full of anger.

"Your daughter is out without your permission", He pretends to be amused.

"It's not her fault Dad we forced her to", Humaiza screams in anger staring at grandad.

"Shut up!",

Grandpa booms as Amir wrap his arm around humaiza with anger flashing in his eyes.

"You married against my will for this woman", He spit staring at Mom.

"Watch you words Mr. Mallek!", Poppi retorts.

"Hm! Your own daughters are following your own footsteps", Grandpa mocks as i let tears flow down.

It's my fault but Dad's getting scolded.

"Uncle I don't think it's necessary to speak all those", Anna says.

"You! look at your wife's family look at the type of people in here", He scoffs.

I look at Dad, his clenched jaws, redden eyes, my eyes travel at his hands balled into a fist as Mom caressing his hand.

"They are My family Mr. Mallek, before I forget that you are my daughter's family watch your words", Nonni booms as Grandpa smirks.

"Look Harris these people are talking rudely to Dad", Uncle shouts at Dad.

"Mr. Mallek pleased meeting you by the way", Azaad holds my hand as Grandpa's gaze falls on our intertwined hands.

"Mr. Amour", Grandpa stands from his place walking close to Azaad.

His eyes travel to me with disgust in his eyes and goes back to his seat.

"Besides you married your daughter off without my wish what did you expect", Grandpa mocks.

"You were against it, don't blame it on our parents", Humaiza growls.

"Besides Zamzam did what you wished but what did she get", Humaiza adds as Grandpa shot her a glare.

"We invited you Dad, you refused", Dad speaks calmly as Grandpa fumes

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