zamzam's feelings

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Zamzam's Pov

"Ok!, I wanna tell you one annou__" "Assalaam aleikum", Imraan and Dad came in. After a while Poppi and Sayaad's Dad.

"What's happening?", Imraan curiously asks.

"Farewell speech", Sayaad annoyingly answers before settling beside Azrah.

"Oh really, where are the tissues?", Imraan asks making everyone to groan.

"Imraan sit quietly", Safirah shouts making him quiet.

"Ok! i wanna tell you something that most of you guessed but weren't serious, and it's confirmed", She beats around the bush smiling hardly.

"I am pregnant!", Safirah squeals and Everyone gasps happily while others chuckle.

"Really!", Imraan went to her and kissed her forehead as two tears escapes his eyes.

"Now we need a tissue"? Jamil teases and everyone laughed.

Everyone went to congratulate Safirah but i stayed back maybe lost in my thoughts, how two of her pregnancies i wasn't here.

"Hy! congrats", She pulled me into a hug.

"I should be the one telling you", I tell her while in mid of flowing tears and chuckles.

"Hy and me", Humaiza jumped. "Me too", Sayaad jumped as well making us  groan.

"I am important", Imraan joined. "And me, and me", Azrah squeaked so did Jamil joined.

"Azaad! go join them", Dad called him as we pulled away.

Azaad's smiling but not reaching his gorgous eyes as i turned i find Jamil beside me smirking at Azaad.

"Um! i'll take pictures", Azaad stood taking his phone out.

"You join them i'll take pictures", Dad says making him join us.

He came and stood between me and Jamil and held me close.

What's this with standing with me?.

We are in the pillow room, tired! lunch still not served and we wanted to help but got chased, We did everything to timepass, prayed, stayed in our room to recite Qur'an. But staying at home feels like time's stuck, No going forward just stuck.

It's the first time me and Sayaad are in Pillow room alone, and he is so moody that i had to ask him what's wrong.

"Why are you with him", He softly asks looking at me.

"Do you like him?", He looks disturbed, i stayed silent not knowing what exactly to answer.

"Why are you so moody?", I ask changing the topics.

"Err! from morning i've been receiving smacks and scoldings", He groans throwing his hands frustratedly as i chuckle.

"I think everyone suspects about you and Azrah", I tell him at first he smiled then his smile drops and a frown forms.

"Ughh! Azrah, She's not sure about her feelings, though she admitted by blurting, i think my brain's gonna explode", He complains as my chuckle slowly turned into laughter.

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