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Sayaad's pov.

It's been three years since Zamzam got married but in those three years her Fucked up husband has not turned up yet not even by mistake.

Sometimes i even doubt if he exists.

Everyone has been convincing Zamzam to leave her useless marriage.

Her parents have gone miserable, her Grandparents too but all she does is smile and manage to convince them back, wonder how can she keep her cool.

Her Grandpa doesn't give two shits about her nor has he called her to ask her about what's happening nor bothered to pay her a visit.

"Why are you sticking up here Huh?, don't you care about your parents?", I shout at her,

"Atleast come spend time at home Zamzam, with us, You don't go anywhere apart from the market", Safirah says sitting beside her

"Since last year you guys are persuading me about divorce,i don't want that, i am fine trust me", She smiles as she speaks.

"And anyways you guys keep coming home and spend time with me, that's enough for me", She adds.

" Stop playing dumb Zamzam,u know you don't have to force yourself to stay back alone", I shout at her gritting my teeth.

She's not only my kid but my best friend, the person i am to protect and take care of.

"Sayaad stop it now", Imraan shouts at me as i rake my hair frustratedly.

"No imraan, he's right and anyways this marriage does not exist even in islamic teachings",

Humaiza speaks on my side as Zamzam presses her lips.

"Don't push yourself hard just because of whatever Grandpa told you, Please!", Humaiza cups her cheeks as she casts down.

"I love you Zammy we all do, if you think its your duty to fulfill this sacred relationship, it's his too", Humaiza adds and turn at Maria

"Maria please you tell her, she listens to you ",

She pleads maria as maria curves her lips into a small smile,

Maria, head of staff, she took care of Kid and at last she started complaining how Zamzam never lets her do her work.

Typical Zamzam,

" She's big kid now, and this is her home too so i leave it on her hands, i am sorry", She shrugs and wink at her then excuses herself.

" Ok now stop it, I baked a cake, its a cheese cake plus ice cream cake, come taste it", She finally changed the topic as everyone shrugs and follow her

She seems so calm and happy, but i know , She's not happy at all.

I pull her aside from everyone and glare at her,

"This is wrong!", I tell her.

"Sayaad, i am fine trust me anyways i am shocked today you didn't trouble me", She raise her brow and smile.

"I am sorry, i had to protect you, such a bad friend i am", I rub my eyes roughly.

"But i promise the first time i see that dick face, i won't spare him", I  add as she giggles.

"Language and yes i am hungry", She turn her heels  to leave

"Sayaad, as my friend please don't give me those pitiful eyes, i am still the same", She says
softly and join others .

Zamzam's pov.

I know my loved ones are suffering cause of my choice, a childish choice that i made thinking that Grandpa would fulfil his promise.

Him and Dad are not in very good terms 'specially not after what he's done.

I felt like crying when Dad told me he's disappointed in him too bad but he can't hate him.

I spoilt my life, my dreams, my family for my dad's promised happiness that was not meant to be.

But since i gave myself a new responsibility, i have to fulfil it.

Alot of people laughed at my family, 'specially our own family, my cousins calls me many names

Un- wanted wife, married virgin, left-wife, virgin wife.

I paid no attention and that's what made them even more furious.

My parents are trying so hard for me to be happy, I don't go out to any place, no job, no parents nor Grandparents place just home and Grocery shoppings with Maria.

My second mom.

Maybe cause i am tired.


Maybe cause i know when i go anytime he might come and not find me.

Every festivals my family would join me by staying at my place, celebrating with me and my new family.

As for my career i've got plenty of qualifications.

Staying home got me doing different courses. I am Certified in Cooking, designing of female clothes, web designer, Interior designer, graphic design, Psychology and many more.

How can i do it?.

Stay at home for 5 years i am sure you can even be doctor just by online studies, Jokes.


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