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Zamzam's Pov.


I enter as my eyes lock up with Dad's teary eyes.

"Zamzam", Mom rush towards me and hug me.

"Maa I am sorry! I am so sorry I hurt you", I break down on her arms so did Mom.

"I should have li_",
I sob as hiccups makes me to stutter.

"Zamzam stop my child, it's not your fault",

Dad pats my head hugging both me and Mom.

"Yes daddy it's my fault, I shouldn't have listened to Grandpa, i sh_", I bury my face on his shoulder.

"I am a bad kid I hurt you, Mommy, Nonni and poppi and everyone", I add.

"Sit", Dad place me on their bed with Mom beside me.

"It's none of our faults Ok", Dad kiss both me and Mommy.

"You are our baby, you sacrificed your happiness, Career for us", Dad's eyes gets watery as i cast down.

"Zamzam you did it for us and we let you do what you wanted", Mom pouts as i smile.

"Maa, you and Dad did alot for us, this is nothing", I look at them as they smile.

"I love you both, and i am sorry", I cast down crying.

"We love you", Mom hug me asi hug her back.

"Are you Ok?", Dad asks as i nod.

"Daddy, Grandma didn't know_", I look at him.

"I was angry and called her and told her everything", Dad sighs.

"I'll go call her", And he left.

"Stay here tonight with us, for old time sake", Mom caress my cheeks as i nod.

"Is everything fine?", Mom asks Dad as he nods.

"She's ok", Dad lie down beside us sandwiching me.

"Dad i am not angry at Grandpa", I whisper staring at Dad as he looks at attentive.

"It's Ok, sometimes we elders make mistakes", Dad sighs rubbing his temple.

"I am serious, if he hadn't called me last time then i wouldn't have met Azaad", I look at Dad as he smiles knowingl.

"So is that why_?", Dad raise his brow as i pout tryna control my smile.

"She went after you crazy", Mom chuckles as i giggle.

"Me or You?", Dad raise his brows as giggling Mom.

"Dear you should talk to Azaad", Mom says as i sigh.

"Are you guys angry about me and__", I look at them as they chuckle.

"No, we kinda knew it no wonder we would let you go out with him", Mom smiles as i smile back.

"I was too harsh with him", I pout as my voice cracks up as Dad brush my hair.

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