journey with him

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Azaad's Pov

The entire day she's been ignoring me, atleast ignore, she's not even looking at me and that's more than enough to break me slowly.

It is too much about what's going on in my life for three days we haven't talked, i tried no! i am trying, i feel not only i am losing my mind.

I am starting to regret why i let emotions take over me, why i let something i buried deeply awaken and control me.

"Zamzam", I stand on her way when she is about to enter, as she stops and sighs.

She then turned as i hold her hand before i could tighten my grip she twisted and disappeared.

Fuck! fuck ! what should i do? i am going insane.

I wokeup early and i got company of her Dad, as we are talking Sayaad passed and guess what!

We've been eating breakfast and none of the girls joined down, the elders started complaining and asked Imraan to go call them since i heard Safirah slept with them but Imraan came down and said they didn't open.

Everyone dispersed and asked noone to disturb them if they are asleep. As i am seated with her Poppi, just talking about how he started establishing his business, and finally Azrah, Safirah, Humaiza came down.

"Assalaam aleikum", They greet and got warm replies.

"Looks like you slept late huh!", Her Noni asks while being kissed by everyone.

"We had lots of plans to talk about and it was fun", Safirah squeaks as her Poppi and everyone chuckled.

Zamzam came down not looking Ok, my eyes couldn't stop looking at her tired eyes, she smiled but was more than fake.

"Dear, eat your breakfast", Her Noni says as she kisses her.

'I am gonna mend whatever shit i've done', I thought to myself before excusing.

After making some phone calls then sighed hoping it works.

'Ya Allah, Help me win my wife back, i won't fuck it this time.

"Azaad", Azrah pats my shoulder smiling at me as i turn she hugged me.

"How are you?, are you ok? sorry yesterday i couldn't talk properly with you", I say in between our hug.

"I am fine", She chuckled.

"What are you doing?", She curiously ask.

"Nothing, just trying to make things right", She smiled.

"Ok, i hope whatever you are doing becomes successful and get what you deserve, Ameen", She tiptoes to kiss my cheeks.

"Same to you", I say guilty .

"Ameen", Simultaneously we said.

"Did you talk to Mom?", She asks.

"Yah, she's doing fine, Alhamdulillah", I try to asses my face normal and i am glad she bought it.

Finally my orders arrived since i am not good at anything though i've been told what she likes and decided to add something more precious to me.

'I hope her anger atleast decreases

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