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Read and tell me what's the best title for this chapter please..


Azaad's Pov.

Night passed by, and sleep ditched me leaving me with my thoughts.

'What if he causes ruckus when i am at work.

"Zamzam, are you sure, i mean i can stay back", Sayaad keep on insisting to Zamzam for him to stay.

"Ya Allah Sayaad, Azrah will be with me, besides Mom, Nonni and Aunty will be at home so chill", She shove us away.

"Fine", He pouts before we left.


After work hours, i decided to head back home but Imraan called me to meetup with the guys.

After few minutes with them we head home.


Inside, Though it is a bit early but Zamzam and Azrah are nowhere to be seen with everyone.

So is. Dad.

"Um! Afiya, where is Azrah and Zamzam?", I ask.

"Zamzam's showering and Azrah__ i don't know", She shrugs and i smile and leave.

"Zamzam!", I call out to her as she came out of her room.

"Azaad you are back", She chirped.

"Where is Azrah?", Abruptly i ask.

"She is down with everyone", She furrows her brows.

"No she's not", I panic.

'One way to find out.

I barge inside his room only to find my sister, My sister cornered by him as she is crying and his hands on her body.

"A_azaad", Her eyes widens as he turns shocked, More like


"I told you to stay away from my sister", I pull Azrah away and throw punches on him.

All my past came flooding infront of me as i mercilessly throw punches at him.

"Azaad!", I un-acknowledge her voice and kept punching him.

"Azaad", She sobs holding my hand as i left him whimpering and left with Zamzam and Azrah.

"I am sorry, i am sorry he hurt you", I panic holding her hand.


'N_no, i_ wa__i let him near_i a_ am s_sor",

"Azaad stop it please", She hugs me as i let tears flow down effortlessly.

"Let's go", We enter their room as i kneel.

"He hurt you i_ cou_protect y_you", I felt my breath stuck on my lungs as Azrah cupped my cheeks.

"I am fine, look, now please calm down", She hugs me once again as i kiss her head.

"I told you to stay with Others, i warned you didn't i?", I scold her as she cast down.

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