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Zamzam's Pov

Me and my parents head towards the dinnin3g room, I feel his piercing yet melting eyes on me, before i didn't care a single pooh about him but now, i feel gooly-booly You-know you-know.

I first wanted to sit beside Mom but with my second thoughts i am sitting beside Azaad whose face has an innocent heartwarming smile.

"Yumm! Maa i missed Riccota", Imraan cheerly squeals as everyone laughed.

"Your wife made it for you, Ricotta Gnocchi, Italian dish", His mom adds as Imraan looks at safirah with much love.

"Thankyou!", He plants a kiss on her hand as her cheeks turn red.

Me and Azaad happened to serve Chicken lasagna, as i try to peep on him he had his eyes already on me and a smile on his lips.

While eating i felt like something ticklish on my left hand, i look down and realise Azaad locked his hands on mine, i nearly choked but i cough not to be obvious.

Despite trying hard to let my hands go from his strong grip, I stop, infact i kinda like this, before him caressing back of my palm.

What if someone sees this, but truth be told this feeling is Beautiful.

We are in the room and i am quite nervous to go to pillow room after the last encounter with both Azaad and Jamil.

"Guys Please stay, i wanna spend time with you today", I'm trying  to convince my stubborn sisters to stay.

"Hy no, anyways Daddy finally let Amir spend some time here since he has boys company here", Humaiza excitedly turned me down.

Dad and Poppi finally gaveup after Amir requesting to spend his time here since he's the only boy among three sisters and how noisy and excited they are about his wedding.

"Let's go"? Azrah pulls me out of bed with me whining.

"Azrah's excited to meet Sayaad", Humaiza teases as a small smile spreading on my face.

"I am excited three weddings yipeee!", Humaiza pretends to yelp peeping on me as i give her my fakest smile with a raised brows.

"Oh dear, you wish", I mock as she pretends to pout.

In the pillow room Azaad, Imraan were already in, Azrah made her way to Azaad as i've been told to stay away if i got my feeling right so i sat opposite to him and right infront of him.

His expressionless face and eyes digging onto makes me shift nervously.

Azrah's pov.

Ok yes, i love Sayaad and He knows it, but Azaad?.

Azaad's mood is twisted, i know it's about Zamzam, i can understand how it feels when you love someone and you want to know what they feel about you.

"So have you decided what names youll3 give to Jr?", Humaiza excitedly asked.

"Um! no but since Amar and San3a i named them so this time it's Imraan's turn", She says kissing his hand.

Sayaad barged in and his eyes desperately search in the room till his gaze fell on me, after few seconds he stared at me and went to sit beside Zamzam.

There is something going on between Azaad and Sayaad.

The way they are staring at eachother it isn't everyday harsh glares, this time it is different, no devilish smirk, no taunts just a Confused stare.

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