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Zamza's Pov.

I stayed with Azaad for all these three days as he slipped into coma.

Everyday i would just sit and stare at his paled face, sometimes i would cry, after prayers i would recite for him Qur'an (Holy book) and talk to him about the things i never told anyone.

Like always today after prayers i sat beside him and recite Qur'an but couldn't finish cause of cries.

I couldn't stop crying as i lay my head down holding onto Azaad's and sleep overcame me after all three days of betraying.

"Azaad!", I jerk up when i felt a something caressing my cheeks.

"Azaad!", I squeal bursting into niagra falls tears as i hug him and he groans huskily.

"Oops sorry", I said while quivering as he just looks at me.

"Are You ok?", I whisper as he pulls me into a hug.

"You Ok?", He huskily asks as i nod.

"Azrah?", He asks as i pull away.

Nurse came in and checked him up as he sat there staring at me.

"She's fine", She confirms as i nod smiling.

"Alhamdulillah", I sob again as i gain concerned look from him.

"Zamzam i am fine", He squeeze my hands i wipe my tears.

"How's Azrah and Sayaad?", He asks again as i straighten myself up.

"Sayaad's fine Azaad and Azrah as well", I answer his question as he huffs in relief.

"Azaad, She lost her baby", I sniffle as he close his eyes letting his tears roll down.

"Azaad", I take his hand as he sighs.

"She was happy and_", He fumes.

"Your Dad, he's dead as well", He's body stiffened as he squint his eyes shut.

I know you love him.

"I am gl__",.

"Don't Azaad don't say it", He looks at me with a disbieleving eyes.

"Azaad listen to me carefully", I lean close as he twinkles his eyes.

"I know whatever he's done to you, Azrah and Mom it's bad, worst but I want you to forgive him", I bite my lip as he's demeanor changes.

"Are you_", "Shhh!", I quiet him up as he fumes.

"Azaad he's dead, he's gone if Mom can forgive him, Azrah can why not you?", I caress his jaws as his eyes become teary.

"He's the cause of my nightmares, he turned me into__",

"A nice brother, Son and a husband he couldn't be", I interfere him as he sighs.

"Azaad if it was another person then he could have turned into someone just like him but you__you turned into someone much better", I smile.

"Forgive him and do what he couldn't, don't be like him", He shot his dead glare as i sigh.

"You mean to say i am like him?", He silently asks as i sigh.

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