Nightmare prt2🌺.

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Zamzam's Pov.

"We seriously need to talk to mom, we can't stay all day at home", Humaiza whines.

"You are right, i feel my skin's becoming pale by staying at home", Afiya whines too.

"You are always pale", Asiya rolled her eyes.

"I am enjoying myself", Gulzar said with ice cream on her lap.

"Azrah is traumatized by staying at home", Humaiza said as we look at Azrah and laugh.

"Stop it she's glowing Masha Allah", Mom compliments her as Azrah blush so hard turning into red.

Gulzar and Elders left leaving us alone before Azrah leaving with Humaiza.

As I am busy gobbling my Apple down.

"Where is Azrah?", We all turn and Find Azaad's Dad staring at me.

Well, a mere glance from him sends shivers down my spine, not the ones Azaad does but his, It's filled with disgust.

His eyes filled with_i don't know how to say but it's makes me so uncomfortable.

"What do you need uncle?", Afiya asks as he kept his gaze fixated on me.

"I want Azrah to come clean my room", He growls.

Yiesh, can't he talk politely.

"Oh, we can ask any helpers to come do it", Afiya said as he didn't divert his gaze from him.

Here i am slouching cause of his stupid stare.

"Noone enters my room except my dau- family", I look at his face which had a smirk on it.

"Where is Azrah?", He booms as i sigh.

"But Azrah's not here", Afiya adds.

"You come with me", He points at me ignoring Afiya.

"Come or i'll call Azrah", His eyes never left my body as i gulp.

'I promised Azaad that i won't let Azrah close to him.

'I am so scared of Him Ya Allah.

"You sure", Afiya asks as i nod.

I stand and walk behind him but never failed to notice how he is slowing down.

'I am not gonna walk beside him.

I pace up and now i am infront of him, scared, nervous and about to pee on myself.

'You know how to fight Zamzam.

'If anything happens, kick him where sun don't shine.

He opens the door for me as i get in staring at his messy room as i flinch when he slammed the door.

His presence makes me sweat and shiver to death.

"Come On start", He sat on the couch as i pick each of his clothes down.

I might be busy but never left my checking up on him so did he.

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