Chapter 33-Everything Gone wrong

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Akash's POV

"Why are the photos still not taken down?" I asked sharply.

"It'll take some time Akash sir. The damage done is quite big and we'll need some time to contact media houses and magazines to convince them to take the photos down" The head of PR said.

I was currently on a conference call with Adarsh and head of the PR team of our company.

"I just don't know how you'll manage everything but I am just giving you 48 hrs to get the snaps down. I don't care about the money, just pour out the money as much as needed, but get the snaps down and convince them to issue an apology that the photos weren't of us" I said.

"Akash sir, for the snaps I can assure that they'll be down by tomorrow but the apology part..." he said.

"What about it" I asked.

"I am afraid, they might not want to issue an apology" he said.

"Everything has a price. Buy it. I don't care about the damn money, offer them double, triple the amount, I don't care what and how you'll manage it but just get them to issue an apology as soon as possible" I said.

"I'll try my best sir and let you know the updates by end of day" he said and disconnected the call.

"Calm down Akash" Adarsh said, when only we both were there on the call now.

"How can I calm down Adarsh when you very well know Siya is crying her eyeball out" I said.

"I know Akash but lashing out at anyone will not solve the problem. You need to be a little patient" Adarsh said.

"I..I just can't Adarsh. Her gloomy face is making me feel more guilty of what I've done to her. If only, I would've been a little careful" I said and sighed.

"None of this is anybody's fault. Stop blaming yourself for something you don't have control over at" he said.

"Whenever I look at her, she looks at me with expectant eyes, like asking for affirmation that everything is fine and taken care of. I don't have it in me to look at her now. You know, in this relationship, she just wanted and expected one thing from me, that none of this should come out in public, considering the popular family that I belong to. It's like, I failed her, failed to protect her" I said with shaky voice.

"Calm down Akash, we're trying our best to get everything under control as soon as possible, you know that. Don't get too much stressed, you need to take care of her as well" he said.

"I know, it's juts that" I was saying when Siya said "Akash."

I turned and looked at her. The glow on her face was gone but she gave me a small smile.

At least she smiled, though after 2 days.

"Is it her?" Adarsh asked.

"Yes, she is" I said on the phone.

"Her voice is so sweet, just like honey" he said.

"Adarsh" I warned but he chuckled and continued "but you need to teach her some manners. You know, according to Indian tradition, girls aren't supposed to take their husband's or would be husband's name." 

"Shut up" I said and rolled my eyes.

"What, it's true" he said and laughed.

I just smiled but my thoughts went to his statement, Siya, my would be wife but there's time for it.

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