Chapter 136-You deserve a second chance

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Hey, my lovely readers.

How are you all?

So my lovelies, I just want to know, what is your favorite food?

If you ask me, I am specialized in non veg dishes which I eat and cook a lot and also, I am a hard core non vegetarian. How many of you are like me?

Are you all enjoying the book so far?

Let's begin with the chapter now.

Akash's POV

I was in my room, resting on my bed, when Adarsh barged in.

"What have you done with her that she is not even ready to give you a chance" he asked.

"Please Adarsh, let's not talk about it now. I am tired" I said and kept my arms over my eyes, closing them.

"I can't and won't loose a chance to get a sister-in-law like her because of your stupidity" he said.

I smiled, hearing him.

All my family members are so looking forward to welcome her in my family with open arms, my uncle, aunty, mom, dad and Adarsh.

Alas, it was all my fault that she isn't married to me yet.

If not for my mistake, probably we would've been married by now and if god would have been kind enough, we would have been parents by now, of course that would have been with her will.

All my dreams, her dreams related to us got shattered, all because of me and my mistake.

Sighing, I sat on the bed with my head rested on the headboard when he said "how can you be so cool about it?"

"So what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Just...just tell her that you can't live without her" he said.

"She knows it" I said.

"Then why...I mean I don't understand" he said.

"Sometimes the person we love the most is the reason behind the pain that we get. If they are skeptical to give another chance, that doesn't mean they are over them or they don't love them. They choose to keep their self respect above their love's fine. They also want to protect their heart so that they don't get the pain again and I don't blame her if she is doing it. She has all the rights in the world to be skeptical and not give me a chance" I said with a sad smile.

"Moreover, I don't think that I deserve second chance" I said.

"Yes, you do" he said and I looked at him.

He was seated on the bed now and gave me his usual charming smile.

"I don't know about love, I don't know about second chances but I know that she can never get someone like you who loves her like a madman" he said and I chuckled.

"Just love isn't enough, Adarsh. More than love, a relationship needs respect and trust. Though I respect her a lot but she doesn't trust me because I didn't listen to her and didn't ask her point of view about her parents abandoning her" I said.

"Oh wow you've for sure become philosophical" he said, chuckling.

"Yeah, I think I can be some love guru or something and guide the men not to do the mistakes I did" I said and he laughed.

"What are you going to do? With Siya?" he asked after a few minutes.

"If her happiness lies without me, I'll let her go" I said with a pang of hurt in my heart.

Bound by love till eternity (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora