Chapter 49-What just happened?

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Hey my lovely readers

How are you all?

Are you all enjoying the book?

Let's begin with the chapter now.

Before beginning the chapter, just a small request.

Please suggest some shipping names for Akash and Siya. It would be so much fun to ship them and get a beautiful name of the leads.

Suggestions are most welcome.

Also, readers who were waiting for moments between Siya and Akash, I promise this chapter will be a treat for you all.

Akash's POV

Since I was in the balcony, the park of the society was very much visible and while talking to Adarsh and Sophia, my eyes caught a view of something that made my blood boil.

Siya was hugging Mohit, right in front of my eyes.

After few seconds of hugging each other, they came out of park, most probably they went to the lobby.

What if they rent the adjacent flat?

I don't think they'll.

"Hello bhai, are you there?" Adarsh asked from the other end.

"Yeah...yeah Adarsh I am here. I'll call you back" I said and disconnected the call.

I really wanted to go out and see for myself what are they actually doing but before I could say anything, I got a call from our landlord.

Strange, he usually doesn't call us.

Picking up the call and after our greetings, he said "Akash there will be new tenants who've agreed to rent the flat adjacent to you. I am stuck in an emergency and it might take me some time to come there. If you don't mind can you please show them the house around, you can take the keys from our guard."

"Wait, are you talking about the two girls who came to see the flat?" I asked.

"Yes, it's them but final decision will be taken by one of the girl's elder brother and they all are waiting in the lobby. I just got a call from them. Please Akash, I would be very grateful if you could help me" he said in a pleading tone.

I wanted to deny him as soon as he asked me show them the house around but then his pleading tone caught my attention.

Sighing I agreed and proceeded to the door so that I could go to lobby.

"Where are you going?" Sid asked me when he saw me leaving the flat.

"To show them the flat" I said and his eyes lit up.

"Wait, I'll also accompany you" he said and we both proceeded to the lobby, locking our flat behind.

When we proceeded to the lobby, I saw Mohit talking to Kriti and Siya had a small smile on her lips which instantly brought smile to my lips.

Taking the keys from guard I said, turning to them "follow me."

"Where?" Mohit asked after few seconds.

"Don't you want to see the flat?" I asked them.

"But landlord was supposed to show us the flat around" he said.

"He asked me to show you around, is that a problem?" I asked him.

"No why would that be a problem? Come Mohit and Kriti" Siya said, surprising us all and dragged Kriti with her to the elevator.

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