Chapter 111-The incident of wedding night

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Hey my lovely readers.

How are you all?

Are you all enjoying the book so far?

Please don't skip this A/N coz it's really important.

Last chapter taught me something, I can't keep up to the expectations of every reader. I guess, I was freaking out for nothing. If they don't like my story then probably our perspective is different or reality that they see and the reality that I see are quite different or probably they've never seen anyone encountering the situation like my protagonists had to face because personally I've seen three couples, facing the same fate.

I've always said, my characters have flaws because they're human being after all. Their actions might feel irrational to you but you tell me, are we living in a western society where simply abandoning your parents is an option or a choice? 

If you had to choose between family and love, who would you choose?

Even if you choose love, in the long run would you think it's possible not to fill the void of elders? Think practically, is it really possible?

Let's face it, most of them don't know and even then they're continuing to backlash my story. 

Don't make an opinion until the story is completed. There's still more to come. If you're patient enough to wait till then, it's fine. If you're not and feel like discontinuing the story, be my guest but don't make crude comments here because I won't tolerate it anymore. As a writer I literally had enough and I am not threatening you all but if I see even one more crude remark, I'll take my book down and leave wattpad. Writing isn't a joke especially on social issues and it takes every part of my imagination to bring down something that actually couples do and face in India but if you can't accept it, at least don't break my spirits.

I had tears in my eyes today morning reading all the crude comments. So thank you so much guys for making me cry so early in the morning. Please remember I am a human being too and if the rude remarks aren't stopped, I'll leave from here and never come back.

When I say rude remarks, please understand that it's not about the readers who crtisized the characters or story respectfully but the readers who've been writing rude comments either for me or the story.

Even then like the idiot that I am, I am crying while writing this note and updating the next chapter here, for my constant readers. 

Hope you all enjoy a lot reading the chapter after spoiling my whole day because tbh, the comments are still running in my mind and it won't go.

Anyways for anybody I am not going to change the storyline because this is how I had always imagined this book to be. Even I don't like a number of books here but I've never been disrespecting to any author or lashed out at their characters. I simply stop reading the book without leaving a trace.

Just because I don't say anything doesn't give you all any right to treat me like a doormat coz nobody has the right to treat me like one.

Like previous chapter, even this chapter will have flashback. All the flashback part is in italics.

Let's begin with the chapter now.

Akash's POV

Though the room was dark but the silhouette was enough to make me aware who the person was.

My love, my life was sitting in the corner of the room, her back attached to the wall while her father was trying to feed her.

She had her head kept between her knees and it was ducked down.

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