Chapter 17-Passionate Kiss

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Hey my lovely readers,

I am back again with a new chapter. Well I think my readers aren't interested much in the story because I am not getting enough views or votes.

But I think it is my fault as'll ask me actually I am not on Insta and very much inactive on social media.

I just feel that social media takes a lot of your time which you could use for other productive activities.

I know it's old school right...but that is how I am...can't change it.

But this doesn't mean I am against people using them frequently. Nope...not at all because every human being has a choice to make and no one should interfere in it.

Well on that thought let me know 1 many of you are like me...old school types and how many of you like to spend your time on social media?

Well I like reading a lot, especially articles on bollywood and also novels.

There is this particular novel I don't know if you all have read it or not- A Trade of hearts by thedarkempress2123

I suggest if you haven't read it, then please do read it. I completed in 1 day it was so intriguing.

So let's get started with the chapter.

Siya's POV

I couldn't believe, I was with the love of my life, confessing my feelings to him and the best part is, he loves me as much as I love him.

The way Akash was behaving with me in the club was a little heartbreaking for me but then I do understand him. If I would've been on his place, I would've felt the same.

He's possessive for me and I don't mind it at all.

Well I know there is difference between being possessive and being dominant. He's never dominating and this is the best part about him.

I love him with all my heart.

"So where would you like to go?" Akash asked me, bringing me out of my la la land.

"I don't know this city much. You've lived here for almost 4 years. You tell me where should we go" I said to him smiling.

"As much as I would like to cuddle you on bed and sleep with you in my arms, I don't want to do it as of now. I know, you won't feel comfortable if I do so" he said, looking at me intently. His hands were still on my waist and he was looking at me with so much love.

How could I be so lucky to have him in my life? He understands me so well. It's like, I just don't have to say anything to him and he can read me like an open book.

"How do you know I wouldn't be comfortable sharing same bed with you?" I asked him.

"Well I know you enough to understand these things" he said.

Nodding shyly I said "okay tell me, where are we going" I asked him.

"Let's go for a long drive and then we could find some restaurant to have something" he said.

"Okay" I said.

We then climbed on our respective seats in his car.

I was looking outside the window with my hands on my lap when I felt rough hands on my hands, holding them gently.

"You know, your hands are so soft" Akash said, looking at me.

I shyly held his hands in mine. Then I turned to the speaker and increased the volume, it was one of my favorite songs and I couldn't stop humming to the tunes, still staring out of the window.

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