Fun facts about this book

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Hey my lovely readers.

This chapter is not an update but few facts about this book.

It is just for fun and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I felt joy while writing it.

May be many of you will not be interested to read it but I felt like sharing it with you so here is this update.

Let's start with the most shocking one.

1) This book was not supposed to have happy ending.

Yup dearies, you read that right. This book was not supposed to have happy ending. The original plot was supposed to have Siya's loving parents, especially her mother. They would have treated her like apple of their eyes.

Siya and Akash were supposed to be shown convincing her parents but then her parents were supposed to be denying them for marriage. Of course, the physical abuse, depression nothing was supposed to be there as the plot would have only shown Siya giving in to her parent's demands of marrying someone from their caste but she was never supposed to become mother.

As per the promise they made to each other, they would not have given their body to any one other than each other.

As for Akash, after Siya's marriage, he was supposed to remain unmarried, all his life but continue to achieve his dream of setting up an IT company for his family.

Sounds absurd right? But this was the original plot.

2) What made me change the plot?

When I had discussed the plot with some of my friends, they had literally abused me (in a friendly way of course) and their exact lines were "yar reality me to apne bas ka kuch chalta ni hai, at least book me hi apni marzi ka chala de."

(Pal, in reality there's nothing in our control, at least in your book show something that you have control over)

Thus, this happy ending.

I had laughed so hard listening to them and then when I narrated the modified plot, they had given me green signal and then, I started writing this book.

3) Mohit, Sid and Kriti were never supposed to be a part of this book. 

Had this story been according to my original plot, there would not have been any need of Mohit, Sid and Kriti as Siya would never have to break up with Akash because of her mother and there was no need for Siya to put up an act of ditching Akash with another man.

As for Sid and Kriti, well there was no need of Siya and Akash for emotional support during their break up.

The only time they would have broken up was for forever and Akash's parents would have supported him instead of Sid handling him.

As for Siya, well there was no need for her to have a good friend who would stick with her through thick and thin.

I know it is a little heartbreaking for their fans but...what can I say?

4) The chapters 106 to 111 were not supposed to be in flashback and mix of past and present.

Yup dearies, before moving to phase 3 of the book which started from chapter 106, all the flashback scenes portrayed from chapter 106-111 were supposed to happen before starting of phase 3 of the book.

That means, phase 2 was supposed to get completed before fully moving to phase 3 of the book.

So what changed my mind and I kept you all on edge by giving cliffhangers with creating a mixture of past and present in chapters 106-111?

Simple my dearies. I was not getting much views on my chapters at that time so to keep the readers on edge and hooked up, I had to make changes in my notes which I maintain in my diary (I've showed my diary to my readers on insta live in which I maintain all the notes of my books) and hence, this evil idea popped up my mind.

5) How much of this book is fiction and how much is real?

I guess, only the part of them getting separated when Akash leaves Siya is taken up from real life, rest all is made up.

Their meet, their falling in love, her mother abusing her, the break up from Siya's side, she slipping into depression twice...him trying to bring back Siya and Siya's sessions-everything was my imagination. Hence I mentioned that this book is a work of fiction in my copyright/instructions chapter.

So, all in all only 10% of the story is from real life and rest all is fiction.

6) What was the most difficult part of the book to write for me?

Deepak and Siya's conversation were the most difficult part to write for me, as an author.


Well let's face it, I have never seen anyone in depression in real life and how they behave around people. As far as I know and as far as my research and knowledge on depression goes, everyone in depression has different reaction and I picked up Siya's reaction that people in depression mostly react.

I am sorry if I offended anyone or anything or any of Siya's reaction in depression to any situation was wrong or exaggerated but I wrote the scenes after a lot of research.

Hope it was good and if not, please let me know so that I can research on any further topics more accurately.

7) Akash was supposed to be from a middle class family, just like Siya.

Yup dearies, Akash was never supposed to be from a billionaire family. He was supposed to be from a middle class family, just like Siya, only difference being Akash's parents would have supported them both in the relationship but Siya's parents would have opposed it which is more or less the same what I have portrayed in the book.

But then when I modified the plot, I had to bring in something that would give Siya's mother a reason to break them apart and then the leaking picture idea came up my mind and that would only work when Akash would be famous.

And by famous, he should have been a billionaire, hence these changes.

So, do tell me which fun fact was the most shocking one for you all?

I would love to hear it from you.

Till next book, tadas


Bound by love till eternity (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora