Chapter 34-You are joking, right?

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Hey my lovely readers.

How are you all? I am back again with a new chapter.

There's a surprise waiting for you at the end.

Hope you all like it. 

But if you don't, please don't worry, trust your author, everything'll be all right. 

Please listen to the song above. I am sure you'll like it.

Akash's POV

After that dreadful incident when Siya cried her eyes out and sending her with Kriti and Sid, I straight away went to Dean's cabin and made him aware of the fact that no one should say anything against her, no matter what or the funding of this college would be stopped.

That's right, nobody knows but my uncle is a trustee of this college but since he is on the verge of retirement, Adarsh is taking care of this and will be taking over his place in about 6 months.

"One phone call and this college will not be able to see it's future" I threatened him.

I know it's wrong, but when it comes to her, I'll do anything and everything in my power to bring a smile on her face, be it taking advantage of my family's name, fame or money...anything and everything...only for her.

"You don't have to worry Akash. I assure you she won't face any problem this college. She has always been in everybody's good books because she's a bright student and also professors are fond of her intelligence" he said.

"It better be that way and if I hear a single soul in this college trying to insult or embarrass her, I'll make sure the next 'charity donation' that's supposed to come from my family won't ever reach you" I said and he gulped.

"Rest assured, I'll personally take care of this matter" he said.

"I'll be leaving this college after my 8th semester exams that doesn't mean I'll not keep in touch or I'll not be aware if something happens to her. Mind you, if I hear any sort of discomfort that she faces when I am not around, I'll make sure to show you what position I hold for this college" I said.

"I know you are upset about the whole situation and comments Siya had to face today, but I'll make sure that she isn't in any of this mess when you aren't around" he said.

"Okay then, it was nice meeting you" I said and left his cabin.

I then straight away went to my flat and I saw Sid was already there.

"Did you drop them to the hostel?" I asked him, taking my seat on the couch.

"Yes I did" he said, sighing.

"Okay, how was she?" I asked him.

"Very disturbed with the accusations" he said.

"It's all my fault Sid. If only I would've been a little more careful" I said but he cut me off "stop blaming yourself for something that wasn't under your control. Did Siya ever, even for once blame you for all these things?"

"No...she didn't but I am the reason because of whom she had to hear such filth today. You don't know Sid how I felt when my girl was being called whore...slut" I said with tears in my eyes.

"I had vowed to protect her, cherish her and shield her from this world. Will I ever be able to meet her eyes when I know, I am the reason behind all her misery. I...I feel like she is distancing herself from me. She isn't talking to me the way we used to. 

She used to be so carefree, so outgoing and just because of the fiasco, she has confined herself in her room. It's like, she's trying to hide from this world so that she doesn't have to listen to any harsh comments" I said.

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