Chapter Three

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Lisa is surprised to see Jennie waiting out on the corridor when she steps out of History. She offers her a tentative smile, not wanting to make a fool of herself in case Jennie is waiting for someone else. Luckily Jennie returns Lisa's smile with one her of her and Lisa feels her heart lift a little bit.

Instantly Lisa tries to squash that idea. She knows that the last thing she should be doing is crushing to Jennie Kim. It is quite clear that Jennie is not gay and Lisa would definitely like to make the most of whatever friendship Jennie is willing to offer her.

Rosé is talking animatedly at Lisa's side but she stops when she realises that Lisa is not listening and her eyebrow slowly quirk upwards when her gaze lands upon Jennie. Lisa almost see the cogs whirring in Rosé's brain as she tries to puzzle out what is going on.

Before Lisa can explain, Jennie is stood in front of her and suddenly an awkward silence descends upon the small group.

"Rosé, right?"-Jennie asks.

Rosé appears taken aback by the fact that Jennie knows her name but Lisa is relieved to find that she quickly overcomes her initial surprise.

"Yeah, and you're Jennie."

"That I am."

The silence is back again and Lisa shuffles from side to side awkwardly wishing she had the ability to think of conversational topics without trying.

Jennie clears her throat and Lisa feels relief wash over her when she realises that Jennie is finding this as awkward  as her. The only difference is that Jennie is a conversational master, her popularity caused by a mixture of her undeniably good looks and also her amazing ability to become friends with anyone.

"Do you mind if I steal Lisa to you this lunch?"-Jennie asks Rosé.

Lisa is not entirely sure why Jennie wants to steal her, but she can't say that she minds exactly and so she greets Rosé's questioning gaze with one of eagerness.

"No problem."-Rosé replies. "maybe I I can actually talk to Suzy alone."

Rosé's tone is serious but Lisa cannot help but let out a laugh, Rosé's attempt to impress Suzy Bae have failed for the past four years whether the two of them have been alone or not.

Jennie looks at Lisa in confusion whereas Rosé punches her lightly on the arm before turning to make her way down the corridor.

Now that Lisa is alone with Jennie she cannot decide whether she feels more relaxed or more on edge. And she's still puzzling over the choice as she falls into step beside Jennie as the two of them walk towards the canteen.

"Where are we going?"-Lisa asks eventually once her curiosity gets the better of her.

"We're going to eat lunch."-Jennie says.


"In the canteen."

"Won't your friends stare?"

"It's kinda rude to stare at your tablemates."

"Wait, what?"

"You're coming to eat lunch with me and my friends."-Jennie tells Lisa as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.

Instantly, Lisa grinds to a halt and shoots Jennie an unimpressed glare.

"No."-she says. "There is no way I'm doing that. I'd rather eat my food on the floor than to eat it at the same table as your friends."

"I think you're overreacting a bit."

"They hate me."

"I think hate is a strong word."

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