Chapter Forty-nine

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As always seems to be way when the two of them left alone, Lisa spends the first five minutes trying to find a way to start the conversation.

It's definitely a lot easier said than done. In Lisa's head she simply has to come up with a topic and the chatter will flow from there but Lisa knows that it's just not that simple, if only because so many topics currently seem to be off limits. And it's not just the obvious stuff either, there are so many subjects that seem completely unrelated but end up with them reminiscing which is something Lisa is desperate not to do.

And so Lisa sits in silence and waits for Jennie to start a conversation. The only problem is that Jennie seems to have the same idea.

"We really know how to have a scintillating conversation, huh?" Jennie says after a few minutes of silence.

Lisa is glad for the noise, but that doesn't mean she's not going to criticise Jennie's choice of words.

"What have I told you about using long words?"

"That I should always use them because it makes me seem intelligent and therefore more attractive."

Lisa has to bite back her response. Before flirting had been acceptable, so long as neither of them took it too far, made it too obvious that it was anything more than joking around. But now Lisa knows that flirting is firmly off limits and so she simply ignores Jennie's comment and instead searches desperately for the next topic of conversation.

"Do you actually think Jisoo would go for Rosé?"

"I don't know," Jennie replies, "I'm not Jisoo."

"Jennie," Lisa says, knowing that the other girl is refusing to answer the question, "come on."

"I don't know," Jennie repeats.

"Like hell I believe that."

"Honestly I don't. It's not like Jisoo seems to have a specific type. She goes from wannabe cheer leaders, to cocky footballers to posh prep school boys within a week. Jisoo's unpredictable."

"This was a bad idea," Lisa says and begins to get up from her seat.

"Relax," Jennie tells Lisa, placing a hand on the other girl's shoulder, "Rosie's going to be fine. She's a big girl. She can take care of herself."

Lisa settles back in her seat when Jennie says that, but Jennie's hand still doesn't drop and Lisa feels her heart rate quicken. She desperately tries not to let Jennie's touch affect her but it's no use. Lisa is still hopelessly and utterly affected, and there seems to be nothing she can do to stop it.

"How is everything?" Jennie asks.


"Is that a truthful response or an automatic one?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean is that how everything actually is or how you want people to think it is?"

"Why wouldn't everything be good?"

"Rosie mentioned that Mark is going to be back for a few days," Jennie admits, "I just wanted to make sure everything was okay."

"Well things are hardly perfect, but I'll survive."

"You shouldn't just be surviving, you should be being happy."

"Let's just say there's room for improvement then," Lisa replies.

"There shouldn't be room for improvement," Jennie tells Lisa, "you should be as happy as you possibly could be."

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