Chapter Twenty-nine

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Lisa knocks on the door with a bunch of flowers in her hand and wonders what the hell has happened to her life.

The door is flung open by Jennie who stands with a pair of pyjama and startled look on her face.

"Hey," she says casually.

"I like the hello kitty."

Jennie looks confused, then glances down at her pyjama.

"They were a gift," she explains, "and they're really comfy so you're not allowed to judge."

Lisa simply shrugs.

"Who said anything about judging? I think they look great on you, although I'm not so sure about the slippers."

"Are you telling me you don't like fluffy bunny slippers?"

"I happen to own a matching pair myself; I'm just saying they don't seem like your sort of thing."

"Well don't judge a book by its cover."

It only appears to be then that Jennie takes in Lisa in her entirety. Including the flowers. Lisa tries to hide her blush.

"Are those for me?"

"My mum wanted me to give them to you for saying thank you for coming to see me after all that stuff with Chahee."

"Oh," Jennie says taking them from Lisa's grip, "it was no problem."

"Still, thanks."

Lisa tries to stop the blush from spreading further though her cheeks and averts her gaze away from Jennie so that Jennie cannot see her embarrassment.

"You wanna come inside?"

"Sure," Lisa replies, "but I can't stay for long, I gotta be back for tea."


"Shut up, my mum makes the best chicken pie."

Lisa follows Jennie into the house, she expects to be lead to the lounge but Jennie bypasses that room entirely, leading Lisa up the stairs and into her bedroom. Lisa flickers her eyes around the room and hovers in the doorway.

Lisa can't say that she's put much thought into what Jennie's room might look like and so Lisa has no previous ideas in her head. She likes the room though, and every single crevice seems to scream Jennie Kim. Band posters are plastered around the walls and a shelf lines one side of the room, stocked to the brim with CDs and vinyl. A desk is pushed to one side, several pieces of paper strewn across it and a teddy bear duvet is spread across Jennie's bed.

"Take a seat," Jennie suggests.

Gingerly, Lisa perches on the swivel chair by Jennie's desk and spins around a few times.

"So," Lisa says, swinging around once again, "how are you feeling."

"Like shit," Jennie says simply, "my immune system doesn't seem to be working very well."

"Are you sure you're not being a bit dramatic?"

"Shut up."

As if on cue Jennie sneezes, Lisa expects it to be loud, but instead it is undeniably adorable, high pitched and the look on Jennie's face suggests that she is embarrassed.

"You have the cutest sneeze," Lisa announces.

"Shut up," Jennie says once again, lightly pushing Lisa's chair backwards.

"You can't deny the truth."

"I'm ill, it's not my fault."

"I never said it was a bad thing."

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