Chapter Thirty-six

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Lisa knows that something is up when Rosé is insistent that they go the fair. Especially when she knows that Rosé hates both rides and candyfloss with a passion, so really, there's no reason for her to want to go.

But they're walking through the entrance none the less, and Lisa is really beginning to wish that she was anywhere but here.

"Why did we have to come again?"

"It's an annual tradition."

"We've never been before," Lisa points out.

"Exactly," Rosé replies, "it's an annual tradition starting from this year."

"You don't like rides."

"Well maybe that's changed."

Lisa shakes her head but follows behind Rosé none the less. Lisa may not want to be here, but that doesn't mean that she wants to get lost in the crowd, getting separated from Rosé can only serve to make this situation so much worse.

"Come on Lis," Rosé says, "at least try to have fun. I mean there's food and entertainment and you can even be my wingwoman for the evening if you really want to."

"And why would I want to do that?"

"Because you're my best friend and you don't want me to die alone?"

"You're seventeen Chaeng."

"Exactly, time is ticking."

Lisa simply rolls her eyes in reply but she begins to survey the fairground none the less. It looks surprisingly permanent considering it was set up just yesterday, and Lisa is reminded of just why she used to love the fair when she was younger. The idea of something popping up so unexpectedly, with little advance warning. As if it wasn't there and then suddenly, it was. A little piece of magic trapped inside a farmer's field. Of course Lisa knows now that it's not quite like that, that there are signs up a few weeks in advance but the magic seems to have somehow still remained, dusted over the carousel and the Ferris wheel as if it it's an overcoat of paint.

"How about her," Lisa gestures towards a figure stood a few metres away from them; a tall brunette that Lisa knows fits Rosé's type, "she's pretty."

"She also has a boyfriend."

"How the hell can you tell?"

"That's Joy Park, she used to live on my street remember."

"Hell she's changed. It must have been years since I saw her last."

Rosé rolls her eyes and tugs Lisa along after her as she begins to walk away; apparently their destination has already been predetermined.

"Will you please stop reminiscing and help me find a boyfriend, or girlfriend," Rosé says, "I mean get your priorities straight."

"Sorry, and I already told you I could set you up with someone."

"You said you could set me up with Jennie's co-worker who is supposedly the most terrifying girl on the planet."

"She's not that bad," Lisa says, "she's really funny."

"And according to Jennie totally out of my league."

"I'm sorry if we're talking out of your league then we need to have a discussion about Suzy."

"Suzy is not out of my league," Rosé insists.

"Awww honey, that's sweet."

Rosé pouts and looks genuinely hurt at Lisa's comment.

"You seriously think she's out of my league?"

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