Chapter Fifty

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There are so many ways that Lisa could be spending her Friday nights. And home alone watching re-runs of 'The Big Bang Theory' would admittedly not be her top choice. Not that it's a bad night in, it's just that Lisa is feeling restless and right now she just wants company, even if there's nothing in particular that she wants to say to them.

When Lisa hears a knock on the door she's surprised to say the least. It's nearly nine in the evening and as such, visitors aren't exactly expected. But Lisa goes down to answer the door none the less, clutching a remote in her hand just in case.

Jennie is drenched through when Lisa flings the door open. For a few moments Lisa can do nothing but stare open mouthed.

"You're soaked."

"Thank you Miss Obvious."

"You're going to get cold."

"No shit Sherlock."

"Hey no need to be sarky," Lisa says.

"Well are you going to let me in or not because I'm kind of freezing my ass off out here," Jennie tells Lisa.

"Not like you've got much to lose."


Lisa moves back into the corridor so that Jennie can shuffle past her, and isn't entirely pleased when Jennie proceeds to shake her hair in a dog like manner in order to try and dry her hair. Jennie's attempts are unsuccessful and she still looks as wet as she did before, only this time, there are droplets of water on Lisa too.

"Would you like a towel?"


"And a change of clothes?"

"Well they'd certainly be much appreciated."

When Jennie steps out of the bathroom a few moments later, Lisa tries to divert her gaze away. Aware that staring at Jennie too long can only lead to a situation far too awkward for their newly redefined friendship to handle.

"I hate rain," Jennie mutters as she hangs the towel where Lisa indicates.

"Well then why did you walk here in it? It's tipping it down outside."

"Because I wanted to see you of course."

Lisa knows those words shouldn't affect her but they do, she can feel the blood rush to her cheeks and when a smirk crosses Jennie's face, Lisa knows her cheeks are red.

"You look so cute when you blush," Jennie mutters.

Somehow Lisa's cheeks get redder.

"Shut up."

"Can't deny the truth."

"So why did you come round anyway?" Lisa asks, desperate to divert the conversation to a more suitable topic.

"I missed you."

"Seriously Jennie."

"Well I heard from our favourite non-present friend not including Nayeon that you were home alone and I thought you might like some company."

Lisa raises an unimpressed eyebrow; she can't show Jennie how happy she really is to see her.

"Plus," Jennie continues, "I brought a fuckload of snacks."

Almost instantly Lisa's mood brightens and she offers Jennie a wide smile.

"Well why didn't you mention that earlier."

Jennie rolls her eyes but Lisa doesn't miss the fact that a smile slips onto Jennie's face as well.

"I brought ice cream, popcorn, chocolate, pop tarts."

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