Chapter Eight

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From: Jennie 'Bomb-Ass' Kim

Morning Sunshine :) I can't believe you fell asleep on me last night, I thought my conversation was scintillating

To: Jennie 'Bomb-Ass' Kim

What have I told you about using long words so early in the morning?

From: Jennie 'Bomb-Ass' Kim

Stop telling me how to live my life Lisa!!!!!!!!!!! :p

Lisa shakes her head before slowly dragging herself out of bed, it's difficult because her bed is warm and the rest of her room is not but somehow Lisa manages it.

"Morning," Lisa's mother says as she steps out onto the corridor.

Lisa will never stop being surprised by how awake her mother seems on Monday mornings, it's as if she's learnt some special trick that means she is always strangely awake. Lisa almost wishes she had that superpower too, getting out of bed has to be the worst part of her day without a doubt.

Luckily Lisa manages to get ready to go to school without falling asleep and even the gentle rocking of the bus does not manage to lure Lisa into unconsciousness.

Rosé grabs Lisa's arm as soon as she gets off the bus.

"You have some explaining to do," Rosé says simply, "because what the hell is going on between you and Jennie Kim?"

"We're friends."

"And when did that happen?"

"Last Thursday," Lisa replies, "you know, when I asked her out and she said no."

"I told you she wasn't gay."

"Seriously Chaeng, you're doing the whole 'I told you so' thing, not cool."

"Sorry bro," Rosé says and Lisa is weirded out, because Rosé has never uttered the word 'bro' before in her entire life, "I'm just looking out for you, don't want you to get hurt again."

Rosé is one of the few people that Lisa has entrusted with the information about Nancy McDonie. It only seemed fair considering Rosé was the only person who let Lisa sit with her at lunch, was the only person who pointed her in the right direction for class and so in return Lisa became Rosé's best friend and shared her biggest secret. To be honest Lisa feels as if Rosé got a very good deal out of it.

"I get it, and it's fine, I'm over her."

"You move on fast," Rosé comments, "I'd call you a player but I don't think you count as one seen as though you never actually get with anyone."

Lisa doesn't reply instead she leans over and shoves Rosé to the side with her shoulder.

"What was that for?" Rosé shouts.

Increasing her pace, Lisa looks back over her shoulder to see how mad Rosé looks and is greeted by the sight of Rosé running and pushing past people to try to catch up to her.

"I hate you," Rosé says pushing Lisa lightly.

"But I'm still your best friend right?"


"You know I love you too Chipmunk," Lisa teases, "and I can tell that you enjoy my company too much."

"Whatever," Rosé replies, "just as long as Jennie isn't replacing me."

"She would never."

"Not even if she went gay for you?"

"People don't just go gay Rosé."

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