Chapter Twenty-eight

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Lisa is still tired on the bus to school the next morning, the only thing that stops her from finally falling asleep is the buzzing of her phone in her pocket. Pulling it out, Lisa reads the message displayed on the screen before deciding that her bad day can actually somehow get worse.

From: Jennie Kimazing

Won't be @ school today, tell the teachers I'm ill

To: Jennie Kimazing

Are you actually ill?

From: Jennie Kimazing

Of course I am Lili, what do you take me for?

From: Jennie Kimazing

That actually wasn't sarcastic, I seriously am, I feel like thousands of tiny men are trying to drill into my forehead while some other even tinier men are rubbing sand paper inside my throat

To: Jennie Kimazing

That was very detailed

From: Jennie Kimazing

I need you to know the pain I'm currently in so you know I'm not chickening out and that I have a serious reason

To: Jennie Kimazing

Rosé's mum only used to let her stay off of school if she was throwing up so I don't think you're ill enough to miss lessons

Lisa doesn't think this exactly, she's sure Jennie is plenty ill enough, but that doesn't mean that Lisa doesn't enjoy annoying Jennie none the less. She can only imagine the exasperated expression currently on Jenni's face right now.

From: Jennie Kimazing

Well I didn't exactly think you would want to hear how I was puking my guts out

To: Jennie Kimazing


To: Jennie Kimazing

Tmi Jennie

From: Jennie Kimazing

Exactly, that's why I didn't tell you in the first place

To: Jennie Kimazing

Well I hope you get better soon

From: Jennie Kimazing

I'll try my best

From: Jennie Kimazing

Keep me updated on what's happening, I want to hear about your day

With that Lisa places her phone back into the side pocket of her bag and stares out of the window aimlessly as she waits for the bus to arrive at school. Lisa can't help but think that this day is not looking like it's going to be a good one, it's not that Lisa's happiness depends on whether Jennie is in school or not but it is an undeniable fact that Jennie provides a different sort of fun than Lisa is used to.

Once the bus has pulled up inside of school it doesn't take Lisa long to find Rosé. The two greet each other with a simple nod to the head, Lisa more than aware that she shouldn't interrupt Rosé's game until she receives a signal that she's allowed to do so. That signal comes in the form of Rosé flicking the off switch a few minutes later.

"Hey," Rosé says simply, "sorry about that."

Lisa doesn't know why Rosé even bothers apologising. She supposes it's because saying sorry is just as much a part of their morning routine as Rosé playing games is.

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