Chapter Thirteen

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Lisa is not entirely sure what is happening. All she knows is that Jennie is currently feeding her as if she is a two year old child but that there is ice cream involved and so there's no way that Lisa is stopping her.

Out of the corner of her eye Lisa can see Jennie's colleague looking at them with a confused expression on her face. Lisa has to admit that she's not surprised; it's not every day that you see two teenage girls feeding each other ice cream after all.

"You two are weird," Jisoo calls from across the room.

"Just cause you want ice cream too," Jennie replies.

"It's February."

"So?" Jennie says echoing Lisa's words from earlier.

"It's cold outside."

"You know I read this thing once that says eating cold foods actually makes your body heat up because it thinks you're cold, so you should eat ice cream in winter and drink hot chocolate in summer," Lisa interjects, "it's something to do with the receptors in your brain being confused as the food changes your internal temperature. I don't know if it's true but it means it's a good idea that we're eating ice cream right now."

"I love it when you speak all scientific to me," Jennie says teasingly, "although I'm pretty sure none of what you just said was true."

"It gives me an excuse to eat ice cream," Lisa replies shrugging.

"I think you like ice cream a bit too much."

"I think you're just annoyed cause you know I love ice cream more than I like you."

"Well you haven't asked ice cream out yet," Jennie tells Lisa teasingly.

"Are you ever going to let me forget that?"

"Not while you're putting inanimate objects above me, and probably not even then. You gotta let me have something Lisa."

"Whatever," Lisa replies, "it's a decision I regret anyway."

"You're so mean!"

"You'll get used to it," Lisa tells Jennie causally, "at least if you continue to want to be my friend then you will."

"I'll always want to be your friend," Jennie says with a teasing smile, "now do you want to guess some more flavours or what?"

"Wait a minute," Lisa replies, "close your eyes, it's your turn to have a go."

Lisa doesn't think that she imagines the look of fear that crosses Jennie's face and she can't disguise the giggle that the expression causes. She quickly hurries over to where she remembers Jennie heading and smiles at Jisoo.

"Can I get some ice cream?" Lisa asks.

"Sure thing, although don't tell the boss else Jendeuk and I are in deep shit."


"Good, what are you thinking? Can I suggest the banana flavour, Jennie hates that," Jisoo says.

"Sounds good," Lisa replies, "and how does she feel about pecan?"

"I wouldn't know but go for it."

Lisa nods in thanks and carries the bowls of ice cream back to the table, placing them gently down before dipping her spoon in and gently placing it in Jennie's mouth.

The look on Jennie's face makes Lisa double over with laughter as disgust crosses the other girl's features.

"Banana," Jennie says without hesitation, "god did Jisoo put you up to this? It's potentially the most disgusting flavour of ice cream ever invented."

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