Chapter Forty-eight

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There's something different about ' Blinks' this time around.

Perhaps it's the fact that this is the first time Rosé's been there, perhaps it's the fact that the last time Lisa was here she and Jennie were kissing or it's perhaps it's just down to the fact that for the past few days everything has felt oddly out of place. Like saying those three stupid words shifted everything off balance, sent them so askew that they can't right themselves.

"Three scoops of strawberry," Rosé orders.

Lisa can tell that Rosé knows something is up but luckily the other girl does not seem to be pushing the issue and for that Lisa is thankful.

"And for you?" Jennie asks.

"Coffee please."

"How many scoops?"

"As many as you can fit into the bowl."

Both Rosé and Jennie look at Lisa with unimpressed expressions on their faces, as if they really cannot believe that Lisa has ordered that. Lisa isn't entirely sure why they're surprised. Her love for ice cream, for food in general in fact, is well known and she's hardly going to pass up the opportunity to eat ice cream, especially when Jennie is using her generous employee discount.

Lisa soon realises that it's not just the feel of the place that feels different, but everything. When she sits down all Lisa can think is that the booths seem so much smaller, that Jennie's body seems so much closer to her than it ever did before, surely she would have noticed if their knees pressed together that way before.

It's not the place that has changed though, it's Lisa's viewpoint. Before the booth didn't seem quite so small because it seemed okay for Lisa's knees to be pressed against Jennie's. But now Lisa has to resist the urge to pull away, because with each brush of their legs against each others' Lisa finds herself wanting to edge closer. But being near Jennie is like being stood near the edge of a cliff in the pitch black, Lisa isn't sure how much closer she can get before she's going to get hurt.

Lisa takes her mind off all of that with ice cream.

At least if she focuses on that then she can excuse herself for not allowing her eyes to land on Jennie. She can pretend that it's totally not normal for her to say a single word as Jennie and Rosé become immersed in conversation about something or another. Lisa can pretend that everything is absolutely fine.

And it is, or it seems like it at least.

Of course there's awkwardness, and Lisa still finds herself analyzing every word before she says it, just in case there's some hidden meaning that Jennie might take the wrong way. But for the most part the pair seem to be moving on. Lisa doesn't care if they're making slow progress, at least it's progress.

"You alright there?" Rosé asks teasingly, causing Lisa's attention to switch to her. "You've eaten that ice cream with more dedication than I'd have thought possible."

"Well y'know, eating ice cream is a very serious task."

Lisa doesn't miss the miniature smile that fights its way onto Jennie's face. Perhaps it's because Jennie – like Lisa – is thinking about the very first time Jennie brought Lisa here. When Lisa made a similar comment and Jennie laughed as if she'd just told the funniest joke in the world.

"Well as long as it's not pecan," Jennie says, teasing in her tone.

Definitely thinking about that time then.

Lisa feels heat rush to her cheeks and can't decide if it's because of the reminder of Jennie's near death experience or the revelation that it's not just her that's still caught up in the past. Lisa doesn't let herself think about that for long though, a simple reminder that she is the only one with actual romantic feelings is enough to make the blush fade and be replaced by a simple aching of Lisa's heart.

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