Chapter Forty

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Rosé flops down on the chair with a sigh she usually reserves for when someone has said something particularly stupid. And when she makes no move to elaborate on it, Lisa takes matters into her own hands.

"What's up?"

"Mum and Dad have just notified me that I'm babysitting the horrors tonight, apparently there's been a problem with delivery at the shop or something."

"Want some help?"

"You don't want to inflict that kind of torture on yourself," Rosé says, "trust me on that one."

"The twins aren't that bad."

"You don't live with them."

"Do you want my help or not?"

"I feel bad, like I shouldn't make anybody else suffer through that hell."

"Do you want my damn help or not?" Lisa repeats.

"Yes please," Rosé admits eventually, "maybe if you're round then some of my sanity might remain intact."

"Stop being so overdramatic."

"You love me for it."

Lisa shakes her head and shuffles from side to side in her seat.

"So..." Rosé says.


"I see Jennie's back sitting with us, and I'm yet to get a chance to ask you why that is. Now seems a good a time as any."

"We made up."


"Yeah. Why?"

"I dunno, you guys just seem to be acting weirdly."

Lisa is convinced that Rosé knows. She's not sure how the other girl does it but she always seems to be able to tell when something is up between Jennie and her, as if their years of friendship has built a psychic connection between them. Lisa knows that it hasn't but that doesn't stop her from looking at Rosé with a suspicious expression.

"We're fine."

"Well I guess it's a good job I didn't break something of her like I was going to."

"What were you going to break?" Lisa asks confused, "I mean I guess you could go for her watch or something, she seems to really like that."

"I was meaning more like her leg," Rosé says, "she seems to really like that too."

"Roseanne," Lisa says warningly.

"Lalisa," Rosé mimics.

"You can't just go around breaking people's legs."

"And Jennie Kim can't go around being an asshole."

"Well it's all fine now."

"It better be."

"It is."

As if on cue Jennie arrives, cutting through people until she's stood right next to their table, towering above Lisa who is sat.

"Hey," Jennie says softly.


Jennie's words are still running round in Lisa's mind, like little children let loose after consuming too many smarties. She wants to know more, is desperate to ask questions but if last night is any indication then Lisa knows they'll go unanswered.

After her mini revelation, Jennie clammed up, refusing to talk to Lisa about the boy at all.

Lisa hates the fact that Jennie is keeping so many secrets from her, as if she doesn't trust Lisa at all. It hurts Lisa more than it probably should, possibly because Lisa would potentially trust Jennie with anything, and it seems the other girl can't return the favour.

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