Chapter Thirty-seven

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Lisa can't believe that this is happening. She's not sure what she's done but it must be something bad for karma to be coming back to bite her in the ass like this.

"Chaeng," Lisa hisses, trying to be secretive, "have you seen who the fuck is behind us?"

Rather than looking subtly like a normal person would, Rosé has no reservations about whirling around to look at Jennie, making eye contact with her before turning back around.

"Oh," Rosé says, "shit."

"Yeah," Lisa agrees, "any ideas."

"Wait it out? I mean do you really want to miss out on going on the Ferris Wheel just because of her."

Lisa shakes her head.

"Well then we're going to stay. Plus if we left now, Jennie would know it was because of her and trust me; her ego will explode if we inflate it that much."

Lisa nods, Rosé has a point after all. And so Lisa stays still and tries to stop herself from looking at Jennie out of the corner of her eye. She needs a distraction and watching the lights of the Ferris Wheel spin round up above her almost seems to provide that.

The line shuffles forward and Lisa is at the front now. Not long, she reminds herself, just a little bit longer.

The Ferris Wheel shifts round a little bit further, another carriage being emptied out and then Lisa is being ushered forward.

"You lot a group of four?" The attendant asks.

"No," Rosé says, "we're a pair."

The attendant waves them forward. Lisa settles into the seat with a sigh of relief, she's free, she's survived. And now she just has to manage to avoid Jennie for the rest of the evening. How hard can it be?

Lisa soon finds out the answer to her question when the attendant looks at Jennie and waves her past too.

"Minimum of four to a carriage," the attendant says.

It would appear that it's going to be pretty damn difficult to avoid Jennie Kim for the rest of the evening.

Lisa is relieved when Rosé moves over to sit next to her, avoiding a potentially awkward situation. Of course Lisa knows that there is no way that simply moving is going to solve the problem entirely but every little bit helps after all.

Jennie and Nayeon sit down in silence, and the car is still quiet when the ride lurches them into the air.

Lisa has always loved the sense of freedom that a Ferris Wheel offers them. She knows it sounds stupid, what's free about hanging midair in a metal cage but Lisa can't help but adore the way that she feels like just for a few moments she's left her problems behind, can't help but love the way that the city begins to look tiny beneath her. Yet another reminder that the world is so much bigger than the one Lisa currently exists in. But with Jennie sat opposite her, their knees so close together that they're almost touching, Lisa isn't sure she's ever fault more claustrophobic.

It's the walls that go first. They feel like they're closing in on her, pushing her closer to Jennie inch by inch. Then it's the roof, collapsing down on top of the carriage until Lisa can't help but count it as a miracle that she's still breathing. Lisa has been through this countless times before and so he reminds herself to breathe deeply, to focus on a spot on the wall across from her, to just stay calm.

Lisa knows the exact moment that Rosé realises what is happening. Her hand makes its way into Lisa's and gives it a light squeeze before pulling away. Lisa can tell that Rosé is trying to keep her movements subtle and for that Lisa is grateful.

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