Chapter Seventy-six

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This chapter is dedicated to HoluwatomilolaOmolua Thank you so very much for the votes on every one of my chapters. You are amazing! Love you. ♡


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I don't break a stride as I get out of Advanced Literature and Composition, a class I was recommended to take by Mrs. Ronin. She tried to talk me into majoring in English Lit. and said she'd even write a letter of recommendation for late admission if I decided to go to college, but I had already made up my mind. So we both compromised and settled on a Special English Lit class I could take for a semester. I didn't really want to take on more school load at first. But in truth, this class has been a blessing in disguise. It seems like the only time my head clears is when I am lost in a lecture about the tragedies of Shakespeare or learning about ancient literature and folklore. A world that is distant yet beautiful when seen through the soft gauze of time. A world where the fear of Jess finding out about the bet doesn't loom over me every second of every day.

I walk past a hallway where people are gathered, as usual, reading the words freshly written on Brittany's locker. I shake my head in aversion. God knows she is my least favorite person at the moment, but even I wouldn't utter some of the words I've seen written on there. Everyone she's ever hurt seems to be having a field day. Poor Mr. Bowen has been cleaning that locker since the news about her pregnancy came out.

"Hey, man! Wait up!"

I turn around and spot Jayden jogging towards me.


"Off to lunch?" He asks

"Yep. Just gotta drop these first." I lift my books.

He eyes them.

"You know people are convinced Mrs. Ronin is running a cult. This class is so exclusive no one knows what actually goes on in there. Advanced Lit. And Composition sounds like some fancy cover for dead poet worship and creepy rituals."

I arch a brow.

"You've really thought about this. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're jealous," I smirk. "FYI, we don't worship dead poets, just the ones with real talent. Human Sacrifices are a must, but we save those for the full moon. We chant around fires at midnight on the 13th and summon their energies with blood."

Jayden stares at me with his jaw slightly ajar. He looks like a fish out of the water, which makes me chuckle.

"You should probably close your mouth now," I say.

"You're disturbed." He says as I open my locker and drop my books.

"But you already knew that."


When we walk into the cafeteria, the rest of our friends are already seated. Including Jess. She doesn't look up until we are right in front of them with our trays, and she offers me a small but sweet smile. I return it taking a seat next to her. I hate that she feels like she has to walk on eggshells around me because I've been, in her own words, "stoic" lately.

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