Chapter Twenty-four

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This chapter is dedicated to kayleywritess for being an amazing sport. Thank you for all your votes and lovely comments! And guys she is a great writer go and check out her book "WAVES" :)

 Thank you for all your votes and lovely comments! And guys she is a great writer go and check out her book "WAVES" :)

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In class, I can't stop thinking about what Red said. It still makes no sense to me. She and Jayden are not even friendly. Imagining that they've actually been intimate is quite disconcerting. Maybe that is why he and Liam are on such bad terms, because of her.

I wonder why Jayden never mentioned this to me before. They had this whole other life in New York, and none of them like to talk about it. It's a big fat mystery. Like a puzzle but tougher. Because the more pieces you get, the harder it is to figure out how they all fit together.

When the bell rings, I take my sweet time to head out the door. I'm actually dreading rehearsal today. Brittany and Elliot are in a fight from what I heard at lunch in the English building. They thought they were out of earshot, but they were yelling so loud I couldn't help overhearing. I don't know what the yelling was about exactly, but I heard my name being thrown around a couple of times. Steff won't be there, and to make matters worse, Red will be assisting Liam. It sounds like a recipe for disaster, and I am so ready for this whole thing to be over already.

When I hear whistling, I turn around.

"Such a fine ass you got there, Jess. Can I please climb that mountain?" Sanchez is standing at his locker with a few members of the football team and varsity cheerleaders in all his sleazy, misogynistic, douchebag glory.

"I wouldn't if I were you, Delacruz!" Jayden walks over, looking somber, and the smile vanishes from Sanchez's face.

"Just harmless flirting, Wilson. Come on, that was funny!" He says defensively.

"No one is laughing, asshole." Jayden is ready for a fistfight.

"He's not worth it, Jade." I step towards him, grabbing his arm. "Let's just go."

"It must be nice having two bodyguards." Chastity Price scowls at me. "What is it about you? Does your vagina have superpowers or something?" She says, making me cringe.

The girls chuckle, and the guys eagerly wait to hear my reply.

"Okay, come on, Jess. Let's go." Jayden tugs at my hand.

"I could have handled it. You didn't have to step in." I tell him as we walk away.

"Yes, I did. Fuck that guy. He gets on my nerves."

"Where were you at lunch?" I ask as we make our way to the theater.

"I had study hall."

I could ease into it, but I decide to just rip the band-aid and ask the question I've been dying to ask him since the moment I found out.

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