Chapter Thirteen

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I sit on the porch and watch as Liam shows them what to do

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I sit on the porch and watch as Liam shows them what to do. He looks graceful as he skates back and forth with ease. He is in a plain white shirt and black jeans. His hair keeps falling into his eyes, and he pushes it back, running his fingers through the dark curls. When he spots me, his face breaks into a lovely smile, and he waves at me.

It troubles me just how gorgeous he is. I give him a small smile and wave back. I watch as he grabs Zach and throws him over his shoulder. Zach laughs out loud, screaming. This is a nice view.

I smile a little brighter.

My brothers don't really have a male figure in their life. They see our father once every two weeks if he's in town and cares to take them.

Liam puts Zach down and holds Dean's hand running alongside him as Dean struggles to skate.


I turn around to find Becky. The girl next door, hugging Lux and smiling at me.

"Hey, Becky." I smile.

She's in Zach and Dean's class. I used to babysit her when her parents had date nights. She flashes me a smile, revealing her braces.

"Your brothers got skateboards?" She asks, playing with Lux's hair.

"Yes, they did." I nod.

"I asked for a skateboard for my birthday. But my mom said it's not appropriate for a lady."

I hold back a peal of laughter. Lady? What's Mrs. Grover thinking saying this to an 8 year old? This is the 21st century, for God's sake. Gender roles are pretty much nonexistent. Or atleast, they should be. Besides, who said skating was for boys?

"I'm sure Zach doesn't mind lending you his skateboard sometimes," I tell her.

"Are you kidding? Zach hates me. He says I dress like a zombie."

Damn you, Zach!

I glare at him even though he can't see me.

"But I think I kind of like him." She says.

I snap my head her way, and she looks at me with embarrassment.

"You do?" I ask her.

"Please, don't tell him." She puts Lux down and looks at me pleadingly.

"You see that guy over there." I point at Liam.

"Yes." She says.

"I think I kind of like him," I tell her, and she gasps.

"Really?" She asks, her eyes twinkling with curiosity

"Yes." I nod.

"Does he like you back?" She asks.

"I don't know. What do you think?" I ask, but before she can reply, we are interrupted by Zach.

"Jess, come try it with us." He says.

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