Chapter Two

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I keep my head down as we head inside

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I keep my head down as we head inside. A few people glance at us, and I hear hushed whispers and the word Crack Head being used a few times.

I am used to the name-calling, so I don't really let it get to me. Besides, I have made a promise to stand up for myself this year.

I put in the new combination and unlock my locker. Just as I start unloading my books, Steff grabs my arm.

"Look who's here." She says.

I look up to see Brittany and Shannon walking down the hall. An evil smirk is plastered across Brittany's face as she makes her way towards us. Panic swells in my chest. I am so not ready to face them yet. So I slam my locker shut, and cowardly turn around to make a run for it.

I try the nearest classrooms, and I thankfully find one that's unlocked.

"Shit!" I curse. "The day hasn't even begun and I am already running!" I shove my fingers through my hair.

So much for standing up for myself.

My heart jolts when I hear someone clearing their throat. I look at the owner of the voice and a pair of eyes meet mine.

The stranger gets up from the back row and walks towards me, taking long graceful strides, lazily carrying a backpack over his shoulders. I stand frozen like a statue, watching him approach. His dark hair falls below his ears, and the swirl of ink that's peaking out from under his shirtsleeves contrasts his creamy skin.

I want to speak. In fact, I open my mouth several times but nothing comes out. I'm mortified that this, rather good looking, boy just heard me talking to myself.

"I didn't. . . I didn't know anyone was here." I stammer.

His eyes are a splash of greens and browns with streaks of amber mixed together, creating a fascinating magnum opus. I want to look away but I can't.

"Running from who?" He asks, referring to my rant.

He has a voice that matches his dark features. My eyes dart to his inked arms ones again before inevitably resting on his eyes.

"Sorry, there is usually no one inside," I say, ignoring his question. And then I realize how it must sound.

I always barge into classrooms to talk to myself.

I feel my cheeks heat up and I visibly squirm under his scrutiny. One side of his mouth lifts with a small hint of a smile.

A light bulb suddenly goes off in my head and my eyes widen.

"Liam." I blurt out. "Liam Disick?"

He arches a perfectly thick brow.

"Yes, Jessica Grayson."

Shit! He remembers.

"Uh, I heard you moved back. Welcome." I say casually, trying to mask my embarrassment.

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